October 17, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
Board President / Presiding Officer
2. Roll call and certification of a quorum
Board President / Presiding Officer
3. Open Forum
Board President / Presiding Officer
4. Consent agenda/action items:
Board President / Presiding Officer
4.A. Prior Month's Meeting Minutes
4.B. Approve Payment of Invoices
4.C. Tax Collection Reports
4.D. Investment Report
4.E. Budget Amendment (if any)
4.F. Student Transfer Applications (if any)
4.G. Certification of Tax Levy for Driscoll ISD
Presiding Officer
5. Consider Nueces County Appraisal District (NCAD) Resolution to Cast Votes for Board of Directors-Place 7
Presiding Officer
6. Consider Joint District Proclamation to Advocate Support of Public Education
Presiding Officer
7. Consider Legislative Priorities and Positions for the third Special Session of the Texas Legislature - Fall 2023
Presiding Officer
8. Consider Joining Litigation with Other Texas School Districts Regarding the A-F Accountability System effective October 6, 2023.
Presiding Officer
9. Consider Amending the Current Agreement Between Driscoll ISD and Texas New Schools Accelerator: Early Childhood Partnerships Schools to Include Additional Early Childhood Centers
Presiding Officer
10. Authorize Superintendent to Negotiate and Enter into Revocable Use Licenses with Texas New Schools Accelerator and MBA Mi Mundo Preschool in Corpus Christi and Blessed Sacrament Academy, Blessed Sacrament CDC, Holli-Hills Day Care Center, Imagination 1, Madison Square Child Development Center, Marbach Christian Church DCC, My Little Team Texas Daycare, Northwood Presbyterian Day Care all in San Antonio.
Presiding Officer
11. Ratify Revocable Use Licenses with Texas New Schools Accelerator and Express Learning Center, Play and Learn Daycare Center No. 1 and Play and Learn Daycare Center No. 2.
Presiding Officer
12. Consider Approval of Local Board Policy ELA: Campus or Program Charters Partnership Charters
Presiding Officer
13. Approve Campus Partner Application, Scoring Rubric, and authorization of the Superintendent to Negotiate a Contract for Consideration at the November Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Presiding Officer
14. Consider Acquiring the Services of Consultant Betsy Cook with ActivatED Partners to Assist in Writing Driscoll ISD's Teacher Incentive Allotment Plan and Application.
Presiding Officer
15. Face Mask Policy
Presiding Officer
16. Principal's Report
Ms. Lynn Landenberger, Campus Principal
17. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Cynthia M. Garcia, Superintendent
17.A. PILLAR 1: Student Success
17.B. PILLAR 2: High Performing and Engaging Staff
17.C. PILLAR 3: Quality Service and Meaningful Community Engagement
17.D. PILLAR 4: Effective and Efficient Operations
18. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section, 551.074, et.seq.
Board President / Presiding Officer
18.A. Personnel, appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
19. Action, if any, on Closed Session items
Board President / Presiding Officer
20. Adjourn