February 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
Mrs. Veronica Ramon
2. Roll call and certification of a quorum
Mrs. Veronica Ramon
3. Open Forum
Mrs. Veronica Ramon
4. Presentation of the Annual Financial Audit for Driscoll ISD (2019-2020)
Mr. Michael Kieschnick, Lovvorn Kieschnick, LLP
5. Tour of Track and Field Project
Dr. Cynthia M. Garcia
6. Track and Field Construction Project
Dr. Cynthia M. Garcia
7. Monetary Donation to Driscoll ISD
Dr. Cynthia M. Garcia
8. Interlocal Agreement and Insurance Renewal for Driscoll ISD 2021
Mr. Andrew Smith
9. Consent agenda/action items:
Mrs. Veronica Ramon
9.A. Prior Month's Meeting Minutes
9.B. Approve Payment of Invoices
9.C. Tax Collection Reports
9.D. Investment Report
9.E. Budget Amendment
9.F. Student Transfer Applications (if any)
10. Principal's Report
Ms. Lynn Landenberger
11. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Cynthia M. Garcia
11.A. District Activities / General Information
11.A.1. Track and Field Construction Project Update
11.B. School Finance / Legislative Update
11.B.1. Enrollment and Attendance Projections
11.C. Board Training
11.C.1. Trustee Training Requirements
11.D. Driscoll ISD Celebrations
12. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section, 551.074, et.seq.
Mrs. Veronica Ramon
12.A. Personnel appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
12.B. Superintendent's Evaluation
12.C. Superintendent's Contract and Compensation
12.D. Administrator Contracts and Compensation
13. Action, if any, on Closed Session items
14. Adjourn