June 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Executive Session
3.1. Motion to go into Executive Session for the consideration of: Matters related to the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees; Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives; discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes
4. Motion to return to open session
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Public Participation
6.1. During each regular and special open meeting of the Board, any person may comment to or ask questions of the Board, subject to reasonable established time constraints. The Board listens to comments or questions during public participation. Per policy 2:230, the Board's response to comments or questions of the Board are managed through policy 3:30 [Chain of Command], and not by the Board during the public meeting.
7. Administrative Reports (Information Only - No Action Required)
7.1. Building Level
7.2. District Level
7.2.1. Freedom of Information Request(s)
| None
7.2.2. Employment Report
7.2.3. Leave of Absence Report
7.2.4. Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) - Executive Search Presentation
7.2.5. Construction Finance Tracking - Phase 2B
8. Old Business (Board Action Recommended)
8.1. Motion to consider authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PGESP
8.2. Motion to consider authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with PGTA
8.3. Motion to consider lease agreement with Tom Berning
8.4. Motion to consider approval of the amended student transportation minibus lease for 2024-27 to a lease/purchase
9. New Business (Board Action Recommended)
9.1. Motion to consider approving the Consent Agenda
9.1.1. Minutes
9.1.2. Bills payable
9.1.3. Fiscal Year End Payables
9.1.4. Treasurer's Report
9.1.5. Designation of Executive Session Minutes
9.1.6. Destruction of Verbatim Recordings
9.1.7. Disposition of District Property
9.2. Motion to consider approval of Resolution (2024-07) to Designate Bank Depositories for School District Funds for 2024-25
9.3. Motion to consider executing an agreement with the Illinois Association of School Board's for Executive Search services, as per Agreement
9.4. Motion to consider approving non-union salary adjustments for 2024-25
10. Adjournment