January 22, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Chairman calls meeting to order
I.B. Roll Call of Board Members
I.C. Moment of Silence
I.D. Pledge of Allegiance
I.E. Mission Statement: "The mission of Byron Area Schools is to educate all students to become productive members of society."
II. Presentations
II.A. Board Recognition Month - Tricia Murphy-Alderman
To publicly recognize and thank our board members for their service and dedication to our district. |
II.B. District Goals Update
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes - 12/17/18 Regular Meeting
IV.B. General Fund Report
IV.C. Expenditures for December, 2018
IV.D. Child Care and Preschool Report
IV.E. Food Service Report
IV.F. Capital Projects Report
IV.G. Sinking Fund
IV.H. Trust and Agency Report
IV.I. General Ledger Journal
IV.J. Policy Changes/Updates - Second Reading and Adoption
(Volume 33, Number 1 - September 2018) |
IV.J.1. Bylaw 0100 - REVISED Definitions
IV.J.2. Bylaw 0122 - REVISED Board Powers
IV.J.3. Bylaw 0131.1 - REVISED Bylaw and Policies
IV.J.4. Bylaw 0143.1 - REVISED Public Expression of Board Members
IV.J.5. Bylaw 0165.6 - NEW Cancellation
IV.J.6. Bylaw 0166 - REVISED Agenda
IV.J.7. Bylaw 0167.1 - REVISED Voting
IV.J.8. Bylaw 0167.2 - REVISED Closed Session
IV.J.9. Bylaw 0167.3 - REVISED Public Participation at Board Meetings
IV.J.10. Bylaw 0167.6 - NEW Use of Social Media
IV.J.11. Policy 1422/3122/4122 - REVISED Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity
IV.J.12. Policy 1662/3362/4362 - REVISED Anti-Harassment
IV.J.13. Policy 2112 - REVISED Parent and Family Engagement
IV.J.14. Policy 2260 - REVISED Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity
IV.J.15. Policy 2261 - REVISED Title I Services
IV.J.16. Policy 2261.01 - REVISED Parent and Family Member Participation in Title I Programs
IV.J.17. Policy 2261.03 - NEW District and School Report Card
IV.J.18. Policy 2271 - REVISED Postsecondary (Dual) Enrollment Option Program
IV.J.19. Policy 2700 - REVISED P.A. 25 Annual Report
IV.J.20. Policy 3120 - REVISED Employment of Professional Staff
IV.J.21. Policy 3120.04 - REVISED Employment of Substitutes
IV.J.22. Policy 3130 - REVISED Assignment and Transfer
IV.J.23. Policy 4162 - REVISED Controlled Substance and Alcohol Policy for Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) Drivers and Other Employees Who Perform Safety Sensitive Functions
IV.J.24. Policy 5330 - REVISED Use of Medications
IV.J.25. Policy 5460 - REVISED Graduation Requirements
IV.J.26. Policy 5517.02 - REVISED Sexual Violence
IV.J.27. Policy 5540 - REVISED - Interrogation of Students
IV.J.28. Policy 5610 - REPLACEMENT Emergency Removal, Suspension, and Expulsion of Students
IV.J.29. Policy 5610.01 - RESCIND - Expulsions/Suspensions - Required by Statute
IV.J.30. Policy 5611 - REVISED Due Process Rights
IV.J.31. Policy 5630.01 - REVISED Student Seclusion and Restraint
IV.J.32. Policy 6325 - REVISED Procurement - Federal Grants/Funds
IV.J.33. Policy 6350 - RESCIND Prevailing Wage Coordinator
IV.J.34. Policy 8210 - REVISED School Calendar
IV.K. Resignation of Micaela Meyer, Teacher - Special Education
IV.L. End contract with CoachEZ for the position of Baseball Coach - Boys Junior Varsity
(CoachEZ will end contract with Cody Tenis for the position of Baseball Coach - Boys Junior Varsity) |
IV.M. Contract with EDUStaff for the position of Coach - Men's Track and Field
(EDUStaff will contract with Tim Marvin for the position of Coach - Men's Track and Field) |
IV.N. Acceptance of Consent Agenda
V. Public Input & Reports
V.A. Public Input
V.B. Board of Education Committee & Administrative Reports
V.B.1. Principals
V.B.1.a. Mark Dobson, Byron High School & Byron Middle School Principal
V.B.1.b. Jacob Haynes, Byron Elementary School Principal
V.B.2. Superintendent
V.B.2.a. Tricia Murphy-Alderman, Byron Area Schools Superintendent
VI. Old Business - none
VII. New Business - none
VIII. Other
IX. Discussion & Information Items
IX.A. CoachEZ Contract and EDUStaff Contract - update
IX.B. Upcoming Dates
X. Other
XI. Adjournment