November 15, 2021 at 7:05 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting: Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
2. Agenda Approval
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience
4. Commendations
4.A. November 15, 2021, is designated as School Board Member Day in Illinois. The children of District 89 benefit daily from the commitment to public education of our outstanding school board members: Donna Kemp, Jay Lerch, Steve Neurauter, Haydee Nunez, Scott Pope and Ben Yates. Thank you for the countless hours of dedicated service and outstanding collaborative spirit in leading our district so enthusiastically and effectively.
4.B. The November Student Spotlight features Glen Crest Middle School. Glen Crest's Student Spotlight will focus on an after school tutoring program run in partnership with the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center. The program matches community volunteers with students who need additional support in reading or writing. By establishing connections with the volunteer tutors, students build academic and social skills.
4.C. More than 180 students, staff, and community members completed the 13th annual Spartan Pumpkin Run on October 24. Proceeds from the 2.1-mile run are used to supplement the cost of fitness room equipment, team uniforms, and intramural equipment. Special thank you to Glen Crest physical education teacher Corey Toppel who organizes the event each year, and the many Glen Crest staff members who volunteered to help at the run.
4.D. Congratulations to the five Glen Crest Middle School students who have been selected for the prestigious Illinois Music Education Association District IX Junior Division Festival. The Spartans submitted an online audition and were selected from the many musicians from nearby communities who applied. The students participated in an all-day festival on November 6 at Plainfield East High School. Congratulations to orchestra student Emily Goodin (sixth grade violin); and band students Emma Briggs (eighth grade trumpet), Katherine Costello (seventh grade horn), Leo OBrill (seventh grade flute), and Ariella Poi (eighth grade trombone).
4.E. This is American Education Week. The Board of Education acknowledges the commitment to excellence District 89 employees bring to school each day and appreciates the quality education provided to the children of this community.
5. Board Member Reports
5.A. Student Board Report
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approval of Minutes from the October 18, 2021, Regular Meeting
6.B. Approval of Bills Payable and Acceptance of Financial Reports
6.B.1. Budget Status
6.B.2. Treasurer's Report
6.B.3. Payroll for November 1, 2021
6.B.4. Bills Payable
6.B.5. Student Activity Reports
6.C. Approval of Administrative Recommendations - Personnel
6.C.1. Horizontal Salary Advancement
6.C.2. Certified Staff Changes
6.C.2.a. Leaves of Absence
6.C.3. Non-certified Staff Changes
6.C.3.a. New Hires
6.C.3.b. Resignations
6.D. Approval of updated paraprofessional rate of pay
7. Discussion Items
7.A. Engaging with the community (BOE Goal: Collaborative and inclusive culture and changing financial needs). Ed Sullivan from EOS Consulting will provide a presentation to the board explaining the services he could provide to expand community outreach and engagement regarding the finance committee and the prioritization of needs for maintaining the health and safety of our buildings.
7.B. School Library Per Capita Grant (BOE Goal: Improved student learning). A review of the purpose of the school library per capita grant and uses of funds will be presented.
7.C. Tentative Tax Levy (BOE Goal: Changing financial needs). The Board will be asked to approve the 2021 tentative levy.
8. Action Items
8.A. Approval of Resolution #814-21 Adoption of 2021 Tentative Tax Levy and Publication of Notice setting Date of Hearing
8.B. Approval of EOS Consulting contract for community engagement
8.C. Approval of Application for Modification of School Code
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. FOIA Request
9.B. COVID-19 Update
9.C. IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference, November 19-21, 2021
9.D. Agenda Planning for the December 13, 2021, Board of Education Public Hearing (7PM) and Regular Meeting (7:10PM)
10. Comments and Suggestions from Audience
11. Future Events and Informational Items
11.A. Parent/Teacher conferences, Elementary Schools, Thursday, November 18, 2021
11.B. Parent/Teacher conferences, Elementary Schools, Monday, November 22, 2021
11.C. District 89 Winter Orchestra Concert, Glen Crest Middle School, Tuesday, December 7, 2021, 6:00PM/7:30PM
11.D. Glen Crest Winter Chorus Concert, Glen Crest Middle School, Thursday, December 9, 2021, 7:00PM
11.E. Board of Education Tax Levy Public Hearing Meeting, Monday, December 13, 2021 (7PM) and the Regular Board Meeting (7:10PM)
11.F. District 89 Winter Band Concert, Glenbard South High School, Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 7:00PM
12. Closed Session
The Board will enter into closed session to discuss collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees as mandated by Section 2 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2). |
13. Adjournment