February 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting: Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
2. Agenda Approval
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience
4. Commendations
4.A. Congratulations to Christine Gillis who was named District 89's 2020 Educator of the Year. Christine has an immense amount of dedication to ensure all students are successful. She goes above and beyond on a daily basis and is truly an asset to District 89. The award will be presented by the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce during their Glen Ellyn Community Awards ceremony presented during a virtual video presentation this year that will be held in March 2021.
4.B. The Board would like to thank the family of the late Dr. Dharmendra J. Bhagat, who donated more than 300 music therapy kits to local students, including students at Arbor View, Briar Glen, Glen Crest, and Park View. Several teachers had requested the RhythmWORKS Music kits and Dr. Bhagat’s son and daughter-in-law decided to fund all the remaining requests in honor of Dr. Bhagat, who died from COVID-19 in October. Thank you to the family of Dr. Bhagat for this incredible tribute to the doctor’s legacy.
4.C. Thank you to the members of the Arbor View Elementary Inside-Out Club who created more than 70 Valentine gift bags, 65 door hangers, and collected 600 wish-list items for the DuPage Senior Citizens Council Meals on Wheels program. Thank you to Arbor View staff members Morgan Aiello, Sudipta Mandal, and Zarna Patel for organizing the drive.
4.D. Thank you to the 607 CCSD 89 elementary students who raised more than $25,447 for the American Heart Association by jumping rope as part of the Kids Heart Challenge. Students from all four elementary buildings participated. Thank you to CCSD 89 PE teachers Nate Arenson, William Brewer, Michael Casmer, Missy Hanneman, Nichole Mara, and Shea Moroni for getting kids moving for a good cause.
5. Board Reports
5.A. Student Board Report
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approval of Minutes from the January 25, 2021 Regular Meeting
6.B. Approval of Bills Payable and Acceptance of Financial Reports
6.B.1. Budget Status Report
6.B.2. Treasurer's Report
6.B.3. Payroll for February 1, 2021 and February 12, 2021
6.B.4. Bills Payable
6.B.5. Student Activity Reports
6.C. Approval of Administrative Recommendations - Personnel
6.C.1. Certified Staff Changes
6.C.1.a. Leaves of Absence
6.C.1.b. Retirement
6.C.1.c. Transfer
6.C.2. Non-Certified Staff Changes
6.C.3. Administrative Position
6.C.3.a. New Hire
6.D. Approval of Destruction of Audio Recordings of Closed Session Meetings
6.E. Approval of Fixed Asset Inventory Agreement
6.F. Approval of Resolution #797-21 Disposal of Surplus Property
6.G. Approval of Agreement with Brave Dialogue
7. Discussion Items
7.A. Financial Projections (BOE Goal: Changing Financial Needs): A review of the district's five-year financial projections will be provided as well as discussion about staffing and planning for the 2021-22 school year.
7.B. Learning updates (BOE Goals: Improve Student Learning): A review of health metrics and discussion regarding planning for the third trimester and summer learning.
8. Action Items
8.A. Approval of Resolution #798-21 Review of Closed Session Minutes
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. FOIA Request(s)
9.B. IASB DuPage Division Virtual Meeting, Saturday, March 20, 2021
9.C. 2021-2022 Registration
9.D. Strategic Plan
9.E. Agenda Planning for the March 15, 2021 Board of Education Regular Meeting
10. Comments and Suggestions from Audience
11. Future Events and Informational Items
11.A. Board of Education Meeting, Monday, March 15, 2021, 7PM
11.B. IASB DuPage Division Virtual Meeting, Saturday, March 20, 2021, 10AM
12. Closed Session
13. Adjournment