November 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting: Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call
2. Agenda Approval
3. Comments and Suggestions from Audience
4. Commendations
4.A. November 15, 2020 was designated as School Board Member Day in Illinois. The children of District 89 benefit daily from the commitment to public education of our outstanding school board members Tim Jedlicka, Jay Lerch, Haydee Nunez, Scott Pope, Beth Powers, La Sridhar and Ben Yates. Thank you for the countless hours of dedicated service and an outstanding collaborative spirit in leading our district so enthusiastically and effectively.
4.B. Over 100 runners participated in the 12th annual Spartan Pumpkin Run. It is the first year that the 2.1 mile race was virtual. Anyone in the community could run or walk their own 2.1 mile course between October 25 and November 1. Participants ran or walked any course they designed and tracked their route. Proceeds from the Pumpkin Run are used to support Glen Crest students by supplementing the costs of fitness room equipment, team uniforms and intramural equipment.
4.C. November 16-20, 2020 marks American Education Week. The Board of Education acknowledges the commitment to excellence District 89 employees bring to school each day and appreciates the quality education provided to the children of this community.
4.D. Join us in congratulating these outstanding Glen Crest students who have been selected by audition to participate in the ILMEA District 9 Jr. Division Festival:
Band Grace Bittlingmaier - Trombone, Emma Briggs - Trumpet, Abigail Edwards - Clarinet, Elise Fey - Trumpet, Sarah Goodin - French Horn, Josephine Kiley - Trumpet and Kaitlyn Urbanowicz - Euphonium. Orchestra Natalie Buhle - Violin, Maddox Daniels - Double Bass, Isabella Dodd - Viola, Kaitlyn Haas - Violin and Olivia Weber - Viola. With the onset of COVID-19, the ILMEA Board of Directors made the difficult decision to cancel the in-person District Festival. Determined to provide a high-quality musical experience for students who have been accepted into these ensembles, they have designed digital master class events to take place on Saturday, November 14, 2020. The students will have a combined motivational keynote address and then will break out by instrument to participate in two different master classes on the Zoom platform. Katie Berry, Lev Garbar, Kristi Kline and Andrew Ladendorf, along with the entire staff and Board of Education members are extremely proud of the hard work and dedication of these music students! |
5. Board Member Reports
5.A. Student board report
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approval of Minutes from the October 19, 2020 Regular Meeting
6.B. Approval of Bills Payable and Acceptance of Financial Reports
6.B.1. Budget Status
6.B.2. Treasurer's Report
6.B.3. Payroll for October 30 and November 13, 2020
6.B.4. Bills Payable
6.B.5. Student Activity Reports
6.C. Approval of Administrative Recommendations - Personnel
6.C.1. Horizontal Salary Advancement
6.C.2. Certified Staff Changes
6.C.2.a. Leave of Absence
6.C.2.b. New Hire
6.C.2.c. Retirement
6.C.3. Non-certified Staff Changes
6.D. Approval of Agreement/General Release
7. Discussion Items
7.A. LEND Update (BOE Goal: Continuous Improvement). Peg Agnos, Executive LEND Director, will give an update on legislation and other current topics from Springfield.
7.B. Current district health metrics and adaptive pause discussion (BOE Goal: Continuous Improvement). The board will review and discuss the current health metrics in the DuPage county, local zip codes and school based data.
7.C. School Library Per Capita Grant (BOE Goal: Improved Student Learning). A review of the purpose of the school library per capita grant and uses of funds will be presented.
7.D. Tentative Tax Levy (BOE Goal: Changing Financial Needs). The Board will be asked to approve the 2020 tentative levy.
8. Action Items
8.A. Approval of Resolution #792-20 Adoption of 2020 Tentative Tax Levy and Publication of Notice Setting Date of Hearing
8.B. Approval of Amended 2020-2021 School Year Calandar
9. Superintendent's Report
9.A. FOIA Request
9.B. COVID-19 surveillance testing in schools
9.C. American Education Week, November 16-20, 2020
9.D. Agenda Planning for the December 14, 2020 Board of Education Levy Hearing (7PM) and Regular Meeting (7:05PM)
10. Comments and Suggestions from Audience
11. Future Events and Informational Items
11.A. American Education Week, November 16-20, 2020
11.B. Parent/Teacher Conferences - Elementary Schools, November 19, 2020
11.C. IASB Virtual Summit 2020, November 20, 2020
11.D. Parent/Teacher Conferences - Elementary Schools, November 23, 2020
11.E. Parent/Teacher Conferences - Middle School, November 24, 2020
11.F. Board of Education Meetings, Monday, December 14, 2020 Levy Hearing 7PM and Regular Meeting 7:05PM
12. Closed Session
The Board will enter into closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the District or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity as mandated by Section 2 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1). |
13. Adjournment