August 19, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A. Introduction of Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Meeting to Discuss Tax Rate
C. Public Comments
D. Closed Meeting (TX Govt Code 551.071/551.072/551.074/551.082)
D.1. Personnel Concerns
D.2. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
D.3. Safety/Security
D.4. Consultation with Board Attorney
E. Reconvene for Open Meeting
F. Information Items
F.1. Superintendent's Report
F.1.a. Financial Update
F.1.b. Instructional Update
F.1.c. Policy Update 123
G. Consent Items (All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda by a Trustee or the Superintendent for discussion.)
G.1. Approve Minutes of June 17, 2024 Regular Meeting and July 26, 2024 Special Meeting
G.2. Consider Monthly Expenditures for June and July 2024
G.3. Consider Approval of Amended Budgets
Administration recommends amending the General Fund budget for the following:
1. Capital Expenditures approved in prior year to be paid out of Construction Fund Balance Function 81 for $964,110. Access Control, Intercom system, Flooring at West 2. Capital Expenditures to be paid out of Construction Fund Balance for 2 A/C units for Liberty Elementary. $49,571 3. West Aides - 3 $78,000 4. Pre K Teachers - 2 $140,000 5. Teachers at North - 1st, 2nd, 3rd $210,000 6. Effective Advising Steering Grant Stipends - ESC funded net zero 7. Transfers between functions net zero This Amendment uses $1,013,681 of the assigned Construction and increases the deficit General budget by $428,000 to $684,742. Administration recommends amending the Child Nutrition budget for the following: Equipment for Cafeterias approved in prior year $732,298. This amendment will reduce will use excess Child Nutrition fund balance. |
G.4. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with TCU College Advising Corps and White Settlement ISD
The Memorandum of Understanding will allow a full time adviser to work on the Brewer High School campus and assist students with college enrollment. This MOU with White Settlement Independent School District has three main goals: 1. increase college enrollment of Brewer High School graduates; 2. expand the range of colleges and universities to which students apply and in which they enroll; and 3. work with principals, counselors and teachers to foster a school-wide-college-going culture.
G.5. Consider Changing the Dates of the Regular Board Meetings for January, February, March, April, and May
Due to the MLK holiday, other district holidays, spring break, and end-of-year conflicts, staff recommends that we move the Regular January Meeting to Monday, January 13, 2025, the February Regular Board Meeting to Monday, February 24, 2025, the March Regular Board Meeting to Monday, March 24, 2025, the April Regular Meeting to Monday, April 14, 2025, and the May Regular Meeting to Monday, May 12, 2025.
G.6. Consider Approval of the Student Code of Conduct for 2024-2025
The Student Code of Conduct is the district's response to the requirements of Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code that addresses student discipline. The current Student Code of Conduct must be adopted each year. A copy of the revised Student Code of Conduct is attached.
G.7. Consider Resolution With Tarrant County 4-H Organization as an Approved Extra-Curricular Activity
Tarrant County 4-H membership is requesting all local school districts to adopt a resolution which sanctions 4-H as an extra-curricular activity. This will allow students who participate in the Tarrant County 4-H Program to attend the activities without receiving an unexcused absence. It is requested that the Board approve the Tarrant County Extension Agent as an adjunct faculty member, so that they may direct and supervise all activities and participation of students during 4-H activities. This appointment is solely for the purpose of complying with the new State Board of Education amendment, and the adjunct faculty member is not an employee of the district and does not receive any compensation as such.
G.8. Consider Approval of the 2024-2025 T-TESS Appraisers and Appraisal Calendar
The teacher appraisal process requires at least one certified appraiser. An appraiser must be the teacher’s supervisor, or a person approved by the Board. A list of appraisers who will be responsible for conducting teacher appraisals is attached.
G.9. Consider Approval of Vendor for Courier Services
The district requested quotes for courier services for our bank deposits. The district has been using Fort Worth Couriers for several years, and we have been satisfied with their service. They continue to provide the best pricing option for the district. The annual cost for the 24-25 school year is $15,975, which is a 10% savings over last year.
This will be a 3-year agreement, and the expense is included in the Child Nutrition budget. |
G.10. Consider Approval of Vendors for Special Education Contract Services for the 2024-2025 School Year
The District released Request for Proposal 2324-15: Professional/Consulting Services for Special Education. We received 20 responses. The attached list shows the recommended vendors for the special education professional/consulting services.
If the Primary Vendor is unable to provide the requested service(s), another vendor from the board approved list will be utilized. This expense is included in the 2024-2025 budget.
G.11. Consider Approval of Child Nutrition Adult Meal Price Increases for the 2024-2025 School Year
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) provides a formula to set adult meal prices and requires adult meal prices to be above the reimbursable meal cost. The TDA recommended rate for adult meals has increased by $0.15 per meal this year.
For the 2024-2025 school year, WSISD will not increase student meal prices and we will continue to provide free and reduced meals to qualifying students.
*All staff members, including teachers, pay the adult meal price. |
H. Separate Items
H.1. Consider an Order Authorizing Redemption of Outstanding Bonds
White Settlement ISD has bonds which are subject to redemption prior to the stated maturity, at the option of the district. It is in the best interests of the district to redeem a portion of these bonds in the near future. For the purposes of exercising this option, an Order Authorizing Redemption of Outstanding White Settlement ISD Bonds will delegate the authority to fully execute these transactions to the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations.
It is the districts' recommendation that an Order Authorizing Redemption of Outstanding White Settlement ISD Bonds be approved, delegating authority to the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations to exercise our option to redeem a portion of our outstanding bonds.
H.2. Consider Approval of Resolution of the Board to Set Tax Rate
The District is proposing a 2024 tax rate of $.7469 per $100 valuation for maintenance and operations (M&O) and a $.4600 per $100 valuation for interest and sinking (I&S) for a total tax rate of $1.2069 per $100 valuation.
The M&O tax rate is calculated and certified using the TEA Tax Rate Survey template. The M&O compressed rate calculated was $.6169. The District is allowed to add $.05 to the compressed rate without an election. The District passed a Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE) in November 2021 to add this $.05 plus $.08. The total proposed M&O tax rate is $.7469, a reduction in taxes of $0.0023. Administration is recommending a 2024 property tax rate of $.46 per $100 valuation for Interest and Sinking (I&S), bond payments. The Board of Trustees have a resolution to approve an Order Authorizing Redemption of Outstanding Bonds. This order allows the District to adopt an I&S rate above the calculated rate for the purpose of paying off bonds before their scheduled maturity date. The prior year I&S tax rate was $.46. The rate will remain the same. The total proposed tax rate is $1.2069 per $100 valuation. This is a decrease of $.0023 or .2% less than last year’s rate saving Taxpayers approximately $4.30 per year on an average home cost of $187,000. Although the tax rate is lower, the proposed tax rate is $0.026 higher than the No New Tax rate calculation of $1.180059 on the Comptroller’s Form 50-859 which triggers the exact motion below.
H.3. Consider Resolution for Disapproval of 2025-2026 Tarrant Appraisal District Reappraisal Plan
H.4. Consider Ratifying Vendor for Emergency Purchase of HVAC Units for Liberty Elementary
Two (2) HVAC units went out at Liberty Elementary. With forecasted temperatures expected to exceed 100°F for the foreseeable future, the district contracted Premier Services for the emergency replacement of the 2 HVAC units in accordance with the Exception for Emergency Contracts section in Board Policy CH(LOCAL).
The total cost was $49,571 and will be paid from construction fund balance. This expense is included in the amended budget. |
I. Consider Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
J. Adjourn