January 19, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Introduction of Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Comments
C. Closed Meeting (TX Govt Code 551.071/551.072/551.074/551.082)
C.1. Personnel Concerns
C.2. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
C.3. Safety/Security
C.4. Consultation with Board Attorney
C.5. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
D. Reconvene for Open Meeting
E. Information Items
E.1. Superintendent's Report
E.1.b. Instructional Update
E.1.c. COVID Update
E.1.d. Policy Update 116
F. Consent Items (All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda by a Trustee or the Superintendent for discussion.)
F.1. Approve Minutes of December 15, 2020 Regular Meeting
F.2. Consider Monthly Expenditures for December 2020
The monthly expenditures is presented for the Board of Trustee review in the Revenue and Expenditures Report and the Check Register in the Financial Update Section.
F.3. Consider Approval of Vendor to Upgrade Existing Marquees at Brewer High School and Brewer Middle School
The District released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to upgrade the existing marquees at Brewer High School and Brewer Middle School. The District personnel recommends using Southpaw as the vendor, at a total cost of $128,622.00.
At the December Board Meeting, the School Board approved a Budget Amendment of $79,000 for this project, the remaining $49,622 will come from the Marketing Activity Account. |
G. Separate Items
G.1. Consider Approval of the Second Addendum to Service Agreement with ABM Texas General Services, Inc. for Custodial Contract Services
The Second Addendum to Service Agreement is for services through December 31, 2021. There is no increase for CPI (consumer price index) in this Addendum. The total price for a 12-month period is $1,632,013.90, the same amount as last year. The vendor is part of the Region 7 Education Service Center.
This amount is included in the original budget.
G.2. Consider Approval of House Bill 3: Reading, Math, and College, Career, and Military Readiness Board Goals
Under HB 3, school boards are required to adopt plans in early childhood literacy and math, as well as college, career, and military readiness. All plans are required to include:
G.3. Consider Update to Policy BE (Local)
Policy BE (Local) Board Meetings, addresses the day of the month and time for regular board meetings. The current proposal will move the regular meetings from the third Tuesday of each month to the third Monday of each month. Start time would remain at 5:30 PM.
G.4. Consider Extension of Superintendent's Contract
H. Consider Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
I. Adjourn