March 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, 551.082, 551.0821, 551.083, 551.084, 551.087, 551.129 et seq.
II.A. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public employee or employees, including but not limited, to resignation and employment of personnel [551.074]
II.B. To discuss purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property [551.072]
II.C. Deliberations regarding security devices or security audits [551.076]
II.D. Discuss Superintendent's Evaluation
II.E. To Deliberate Recommendations Regarding Employment Contract for Probationary, Term and Other Contract Administrators
II.F. To Deliberate Regarding Recommendations for Non-Renewal or Termination of Employee Contracts Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code 551.074
III. Open Session Action, If Any, on Closed Session Deliberations Regarding:
III.A. Consider Resignations of Personnel and Review Vacancy Report
III.B. Consider Employment of Personnel
III.C. Consider and Take Possible Action to Renew Employee Term and Probationary Contracts
III.D. Consider Approval of Employment Contracts for Probationary, Term, and Other Contract Administrators
IV. Invocation
V. Pledge of Allegiance
VI. Reading of the Gregory-Portland ISD Vision, Mission & Belief Statements
VII. Recognitions / Presentations
VII.A. Recognize Elected Officials & Honored Guests
VII.B. Student Recognition [Matern]
VII.C. Employee Recognition [Ceballos & Matern]
VIII. Comments from Public in Open Forum
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Receive and Approve Minutes [P4 / Cavazos]
IX.B. Consider Ratification of Payment of Bills [P4 Gonzalez & Silguero]
IX.C. Consider Approval of Combining Appropriated Funds for BOND 2023 Projects: 1) G-P High School Cafeteria Additions & Renovations and 2) Fine Arts Facility Upgrades, Including New Band Hall [P4 / Gonzalez]
IX.D. Consider Renewal of Membership in Walsh Gallegos' Retainer Program [P4 / Cavazos]
X. Regular Business Action Items
X.A. Discuss and Take Possible Action to Approve a Resolution to Nominate Dr. Michelle Cavazos for Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Superintendent of the Year
X.B. Discuss and Take Possible Action on CSP# 2324-03 Construction Middle School Visitors Concession and Storage Building [P4 / Casarez & Gonzalez]
X.C. Discuss and Take Possible Action on RFP# 2324-01 Property and Casualty Insurance [P4 / Casarez & Gonzalez]
X.D. Discuss and Take Possible Action on RFP# 2324-02 district Wide Copier Lease and Maintenance Service [P4 / Casarez]
X.E. Discuss and Take Possible Action on RFP# ERFY25-01 Bus Internet Access Services [P4 / Casarez & Guerra]
XI. Reports/Discussion Items
XI.A. Board Scorecard Report [Flinn / Cavazos]
XI.B. Superintendent's Report [P4 / Cavazos]
XI.B.1. Priority 3 Update [Matern]
XI.B.2. Legislative Update
XII. Board Instructions to President/Superintendent on Items of Discussion
XIII. Adjourn