August 30, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance—Wendi Russell
2. Invocation—Wendi Russell
3. Call to Order—Renee Rehfeld
3.A. Establish Quorum
3.B. Roll Call
3.C. Announcement that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
4. Administer the Oath of Office to Duly Appointed Member of the Board of Trustees Mr. Brian Sheffler has been duly qualified and appointed by the Board on August 16, 2021 to fill an unexpired term until the next regular election in November 2022. Mr. Sheffler will fill Dr. Greg Gilcrease’s term.
The Board invites public comment on the proposed 2021-2022 school district budget and the 2021 tax rate. A total rate of $1.1852 per $100 of valuation has been proposed: $0.9452 for the Maintenance and Operations rate and $.24 for the Interest and Sinking rate. The proposed budget for 2021-2022 may be reviewed during normal business hours at the Navarro ISD Central Office, located at 6450 N. State Highway 123 in Geronimo, Texas. The proposed budget may also be viewed on the District website and the Board meeting agenda packet at Summary budget documents may be found in the Board Meeting agenda.
6. Public Participation:
Individuals wishing to participate in this portion of the meeting shall sign up before the meeting is called to order and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to speak.[Ref. Board Policy BED(LOCAL)] |
6.A. Public Comments on General Topics
Public comments regarding subjects not listed as an agenda item for this meeting |
6.B. Public Comments on Posted Agenda Items
Public comments regarding a specific agenda item or items listed on the posted notice for this meeting. |
7. Consent Agenda:
7.A. Consider Budget Amendment BAA04 - Adjust budget for GVEC storm charges and financing, move funds for Elementary Library remodeling and reallocate budgeted funds for year end.
8. Action Items:
8.A. Consider Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
8.B. Consider an Ordinance to Set the Tax Rate for 2021
8.C. Consider use of Career Academy of Training, LLC.
8.D. School Transportation – Purchase (2) new 2023 Integrated CE S Buses (PB105)
9. Recess into Closed Session in Compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit;
9.A. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t. Code Section 551.074 to discuss the duties of the Superintendent
9.B. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t. Code Section 551.074 to discuss the Employment of Professional Personnel to include Teachers
9.C. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t. Code Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
Any related action will be taken in open session. |
10. Reconvene in Open Session to consider possible action related to closed session discussion.
11. Adjourn