December 15, 2021 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 5043 1186 Passcode: 114098 Dial by your location 1 301 715 8592 1 312 626 6799 1 253 215 8782 1 346 248 7799 |
2 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
2 1) Bills to pay
2 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
3 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
3 1) Child Care Fund Monthly Report (attached)
4 9:40 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
4 1) Emergency Management Performance Grants - ARPA Grant (attached)
4 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends to approve the 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grants - American Rescue Plan Act in the amount of $6,274.00 with no County match. This has Grant Review Committee Approval.
5 9:50 a.m. Dan Perge, Veterans Counselor
5 1) Request Two Projects using CVSF Grant Funds (attached)
5 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends to approve the two projects requested by the Veterans Affairs Office using County Veterans Service Fund Grant Funds.
Marketing Billboards: Received two quotes with one from Lamar Advertising in the amount of $5,000 and second quote from Wolverine Sign Works in the amount of $195 per month with a 12-month contract). Recommendaiton to go with Lamar Advertising. Television Commercial: WBKB is the only local television channel in the amount of $17,494.00. |
6 9:55 a.m. Mary Catherine Hannah, County Administrator
6 1) Medical Marihuana Grant 2022 - DHD #4 (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to authorize the District Health Department #4 Medical Marihuana Operation and Oversight Grant Application on behalf of the County of Alpena in the amount of $8,541.00 with no County match and authorize the Board Chairman to sign the grant application and all pertinent paperwo4rk as presented. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
6 2) Replace Bathroom Sink Faucets (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends to approve the quote from RA Townsend Company in the amount of $1,329.02 to replace bathroom sink faucets at the Courthouse and authorize the Maintenance Superintendent to order and pay the invoice when it comes in with monies to come out of line item #______________________________.
6 3) Two Settlement Participation Agreement Forms with Resolution #21-31 (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends to approve the two Settlement Participation Forms for the National Opoid Settlement for Alpena County and authorize the Board Chairman to sign all pertaining documents and adopt Resolution #21-31 as presented.
6 4) Approve Michigan State-Subdivison Agreement for Allocation of Distributor Settlement Agreement and Janssen Settlement Agreement with Resolution #21-32 (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends to approve the Intrastate Agreement for allocation of the National Opioid Settlement for Alpena County and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents and adopt Resolution #21-32 as presented.
6 5) Budget Adjustment Request
6 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends to approve a budget adjustment request and to authorize the Treasurer to make the necessary budget adjustments to pay the Werda's Auto Repair Invoice #4333 in the amount of $646.89 with monies to come out of line item #101-200-934.
7 10:00 a.m. Bill Peterson, Finance Chair
7 1) Transfer Request from Jail Levy Fund to Jail Construction Fund to pay bills (attached)
7 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends to approve transfer of $21,000 from the Jail Levy Fund line item #213-301-995 and put into the Jail Construction Fund line item #466-301-699 to pay the jail bills and authorize the Treasurer to make the necessary budget adjustments.
7 2) Pay Clark Hill Invoice #1101420 (attached)
7 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends to pay the Clark Hill Invoice #1101420 in the amount of $6,825.00 with monies to come out of line item #101-200-801.002 (Outside Attorney Fees).
7 3) Transfer Request to Pay Clark Hill Invoice #1156461 (attached)
7 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends to approve the transfer request to pay the Clark Hill Invoice #1156461 in the amount of $1,365.00 with monies to come out of line item #101-200-801.002 (Outside Attorney Fees) and authorize the Treasurer to make the necessary budget adjustments.
8 10:05 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
8 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
8 2) Adoption of the following action items for the 2022 budget (attached):
8 ACTION ITEM #12: Recommendation to adopt the 2022 Budget Policy, regarding fiscal policies and that they be part of the 2022 budget.
8 ACTION ITEM #13: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the General Fund.
8 ACTION ITEM #14: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Internal Service Funds.
8 ACTION ITEM #15: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Enterprise Funds.
8 ACTION ITEM #16: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Capital Project Funds.
8 ACTION ITEM #17: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Debt Service Funds.
8 ACTION ITEM #18: Recommendation to approve the resolution for the Special Revenue Funds.
8 3) Pay Remaining Bills & Approve Budget Adjustments for 2021
8 ACTION ITEM #19: Recommendation that the Treasurer be authorized to pay all remaining bills for 2021 and to make budget adjustments for 2021.