March 7, 2023 at 12:30 PM - WSCC Board Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order - Frank Finneran, Chairman
2. Closed Session: Per RCW 42.30.140 (4) (B) to discuss collective bargaining status with legal counsel.
3. Resolution # 2023-2: Discussion and potential approval of Resolution # 2023-2, ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the WSCC PFD ("District") and the WSCC Labor Council ("WSCCLC")
3.a. Exhibit "A" to Resolution 2023-2: Agreement between the WSCC PFD ("WSCC" and the WSCC PFD Labor Council ("WSCCL-LC")
3.b. Resolution #2023-2, Ratifying the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the District and the WSCCLC.
4. Adjournment