September 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM - WSCC PFD Board of Directors Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes for Regular Meeting - July 21, 2020
3. Public Comments
3.a. Anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, may do so at this time. Individuals desiring to speak shall give their name, address, and the group they represent, if any. A speaker is limited to three (3) minutes unless granted an extension of time.
4. Chairman's Report (Mr. Frank Finneran)
4.a. Notification of Requirement for Board Officer Elections
(Elections to be held at November 24, 2020 Regular Board Meeting)
Article III (Officers) (Chair and Vice-Chair) Section 3.3. Board Officer Election; Terms of Office. Except for an initial board officer who may serve an initial four-year term, Board Officers shall serve a two-year term, unless terminated earlier by the Board. The terms of Board Officers routinely expire on December 31 of the second year of his or her Board Officer term. The Board shall elect a Board Officer from among its members at its regular meeting closest to January 1 in any year following the year in which the term of a Board Officer has expired. Each Board Officer shall hold office until his or her successor is elected. There shall be no restriction on Board members serving successive terms as Chair or Vice Chair.
4.b. Reappointment of Board Members
4.b.I. Susana Gonzalez-Murillo (July 31, 2020 to July 30, 2024)
4.b.II. Craig Schafer (July 31, 2020 to July 30, 2024)
4.c. Presentation of Consent Agenda
4.c.I. Action items:
4.c.I.a. Ratification of Addtional Facility Project Contract List - August 2020
4.c.I.b. Ratification of Additional Facility Project Contract List - September 2020
4.c.I.c. Approval of Additional Facility Project Draw Schedule Payment #69 - August 2020
4.c.I.d. Approval of Additional Facility Project Draw Schedule Payment #70 - September 2020
4.c.II. Informational:
4.c.II.a. WSCC Sales Productivity Report
4.c.II.b. Monthly Expenditures - Auditing Officer Certification
4.c.II.c. Social Media Recap
4.c.II.d. Parking Report
4.c.II.e. ARAMARK Foodservice Report
5. PFD Committee Reports
5.a. Addition Committee (Frank Finneran, Chair)
5.a.I. Update
5.b. Government Affairs Committee (Deryl Brown-Archie, Chair)
5.b.I. Update
5.b.II. Government Relations Consultant Report
5.c. Finance Committee (Bob Flowers, Chair)
5.c.I. Update
5.d. Benefits Committee (Terry McLaughlin, Benefits Liaison)
5.d.I. To approve changes to the WSCC Employee Benefit Plan documents, Resolution # 2020-07
Terry McLaughlin
5.e. Art Committee (Susana Gonzalez-Murillo, Chair)
5.e.I. Update
6. Visit Seattle & WSCC Sales Reports
6.a. Destination Overview
Tom Norwalk, Visit Seattle
6.b. Visit Seattle Sales Report
Kelly Saling, Visit Seattle
6.c. WSCC Sales Report
Michael McQuade, WSCC
7. President's Report (Jeffrey A. Blosser)
7.a. Update on Operations
7.b. Update on WSCC Board Strategic Planning Retreat Meeting
7.c. Approval of New Rules and Regulations changes due to COVID-19, Resolution #2020-06
Jeff Blosser
A Resolution to approve new rules & regulations changes due to COVID-19
8. Financials (Chip Firth)
9. Executive Session
10. Adjournment