Wednesday, March 12, 2025 An Executive Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. Public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Call to Order
III. Items on the Consent Agenda to Discuss in Executive Session.
IV. Approve/Amend the Executive Session Agenda (Action Item)
V. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into an Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 1(a) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need and (1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
V.A. Student
V.A.1. Student 25-H (Action Item)
V.A.2. Student 25-I (Action Item)
V.A.3. Request for Award of High School Diploma: Jolene Brewer
V.B. Employee Recommendations
V.B.1. Leave Without Pay
Employee AE-2025 Employee AF-2025 Employee AG-2025 Employee AH-2025 |
V.B.2. Release of Contract
Employee AB-2025 Employee AC-2025 Employee AD-2025 |
V.B.3. Scott Thundstrom Voluntary Request for Instructional Assignment
V.B.4. Director of Maintenance and Facilities Recommendation
V.B.5. Hillcrest High School Principal Recommendation
V.C. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
VI. Pledge of Allegiance
VII. Invocation
VIII. Call to Order
IX. Roll Call
X. Board Opening Business
X.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
X.B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item)
X.C. Staff/Student Recognition
TRHS IHSAA 6A Girls Wrestling Coach of the Year, and National Wrestling Coaches Association Section 8 Girls Coach of the Year - Jody Webb TRHS IHSAA 6A Wrestling State Champion in the 185 Weight Class - Shauna Anderson BHS IHSAA 5A Wrestling State Champion in the 165 Weight Class - Madix Jones HHS IHSAA 5A Wrestling State Champion in the 285 Weight Class - Austin Reeves |
X.D. Student Council Reports
Hillcrest High School Bonneville Online High School |
X.E. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, The Board will accept public input on any item listed on tonight's agenda. State law prohibits comments on matters not on the agenda. Public input will be heard at the start of each agenda section and before any action is taken. Please limit comments to three minutes to allow everyone who desires the opportunity to participate. The Board will listen but will not engage in discussion, though members may ask clarifying questions.
X.F. Consent Agenda Public Input
X.G. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
X.G.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Regular Board Meeting/Executive Session - 02-12-2025 Work Board Meeting - 02-26-2025 |
X.G.2. Financial
X.G.2.a. Accounts Payable
X.G.2.b. Contracts
X.G.2.c. Surplus Items
X.G.3. Employees
X.G.3.a. Conditional Employment
X.G.3.b. Leave Requests
Employee AE-2025 Employee AF-2025 Employee AG-2025 Employee AH-2025 |
X.G.3.c. Release of Contract
X.G.3.d. Resignations and Terminations
X.G.3.e. Retirements
X.G.3.f. Stipends
X.G.4. Students
X.G.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
X.G.4.b. Club Requests
TRHS Art Club
X.G.4.c. Trip Requests
HHS Track and Field to Boise Relays Varsity Invitational - Boise, Idaho - 04-04-2025 to 04-05-2025 TRHS FCCLA to State Competition & Conference - Boise, Idaho - 04-16-2025 to 04-18-2025 TCHS SkillsUSA Competition - Meridian, Idaho - 04-07-2025 to 04-09-2025 TCHS FFA to Career Development Competition - Twin Falls, Idaho - 04-01-2025 to 04-05-2025 RMMS National History Day - Caldwell, Idaho - 04-04-2025 to 04-05-2025 Praxium Mastery Academy - National History Day - Caldwell, Idaho - 04-04-2025 to 04-05-2025
X.G.5. School Support Organizations
TRHS Baseball Boosters
XI. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XII. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations
XII.A. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XII.B. Hillcrest High School Principal (Action Item)
XII.C. Director of Maintenance and Facilities (Action Item)
XII.D. Scott Thundstrom Voluntary Request for Instructional Assignment (Action Item)
XII.E. Release of Contract
XII.E.1. Employee AB-2025 (Action Item)
Employee AC-2025 (Action Item) Employee AD-2025 (Action Item) |
XII.F. Bonneville High School HVAC Contract (Action Item)
XII.G. Standard Agreement Between Owner and Architect (Action Item)
XII.H. Update on Thunder Stadium Bleachers
XIII. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
XIII.A. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XIII.B. Student Travel Ratification
XIII.B.1. HHS Band to Boys State Basketball Competition - Boise, Idaho - 03-06-2025 to 03-08-2025, HHS Cheer to Boys State Basketball Competition - Boise, Idaho - 03-06-2025 to 03-08-2025, TRHS Band to Boys State Basketball Competition - Ontario, Oregon - 03-06-2025 to 03-08-2025, TRHS Cheer to Boys State Basketball Competition - Ontario, Oregon - 03-06-2025 to 03-08-2025 (Action Item)
XIII.C. K-3 ELA Adoption (Action Item)
XIII.D. Proposed Board Policy 3385 Extra Curricular Activity Participation for Initial Consideration
XIII.E. Proposed Policy 2380 Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction for Public Review (Action Item)
XIII.F. Proposed Policy 3530 Suicide, Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention for Public Review (Action Item)
XIII.G. Proposed Policy 2350 Student Religious Activity at School for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XIV. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations
XIV.A. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XIV.B. Emergency Closure for Hillcrest High School (Action Item)
XV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XV.A. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XV.B. Request for Award of High School Diploma: Jolene Brewer (Action Item)
XV.C. Negotiations Teams (Action Item)
XV.D. Proposed Policy 9805 Memorials on School Grounds for Public Review (Action Item)
XVI. Board Closing Business
XVI.A. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item)
XVI.B. Board Tour of Elevate, Praxium/BOHS, TCHS Planning
XVI.C. ISBA Leadership Institute Conference - Idaho Falls - 05-07-2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
XVI.D. Adjournment (Action Item)