Wednesday, February 12, 2025 An Executive Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. Public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Roll Call
III. Items That Need to Be Moved From the Consent Agenda to Discuss in Executive Session (Action Item)
IV. Approve/Amend the Executive Session Agenda (Action Item)
V. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into an Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
V.A. Student Recommendations
V.A.1. Student 25-G (Action Item)
V.B. Employee Recommendations
Employee W-2025 Employee X-2025 Employee Y-2025 Emplyee Z-2025 Employee AA -2025 |
V.B.2. Employee U-2025
V.B.3. Employee V-2025 (Action Item)
V.B.4. Complaints & Litigations
BE2024 |
V.C. Superintendent Evaluation
VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
VII. Pledge of Allegiance
VIII. Invocation
IX. Call to Order
X. Roll Call
XI. Board Opening Business
XI.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
XI.B. Amend/Approve the Regular Agenda (Action Item)
XI.C. Staff/Student Recognition
High Desert Marching Band - ISU Mountain West Marching Band Invitational Winners - Best Music, Best Percussion, and 1st Place in the 5A Division and Gem State Award for Highest Score in the Competition Thunder Ridge Marching Band - ISU Mountain West Marching Band Invitational - Best Music, Best Percussion, Best Visual, and Best Auxiliary in the Competition TRHS Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Recipient - Natalie Woods |
XI.D. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, The Board will accept public input on any item listed on tonight's agenda. State law prohibits comments on matters not on the agenda. Public input will be heard at the start of each agenda section and before any action is taken. Please limit comments to three minutes to allow everyone who desires the opportunity to participate. The Board will listen but will not engage in discussion, though members may ask clarifying questions.
XI.E. Consent Agenda Public Input
XI.F. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XI.F.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Minutes - Amended Annual Meeting/Executive Session - 01-08-2025 Minutes - Work Meeting/Executive Session - 01-22-2025 |
XI.F.2. Financial
XI.F.2.a. Accounts Payable
XI.F.2.b. Surplus Items
Bridgewater Elementary - Books - Surplus Cloverdale Elementary - Books - Surplus Woodland Hills Elementary - Books - Surplus
XI.F.3. Employees
XI.F.3.a. Conditional Employment
XI.F.3.b. Leave Requests
Employee W-2025 Employee X-2025 Employee Y-2025 Employee Z - 2025 Employee AA-2025 |
XI.F.3.c. Resignations and Terminations
XI.F.3.d. Retirements
XI.F.3.e. Stipends
XI.F.3.f. Transfers
XI.F.4. Students
XI.F.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
XI.F.4.b. Club Requests
BHS Dungeons and Dragons
XI.F.4.c. Trip Requests
TRHS Scholastic Team to History Bowl National Championship - Washington D.C. - 04-24-2025 to 04-29-2025 TRHS Business Professionals of America Regional Competition - Boise, Idaho - 03-02-2025 to 03-05-2025 BHS Bonneville Baseball to Minico and Owyhee to play - 03-14-2025 to 03-15-2025 BHS Bonneville Softball to St. George Tournament - St. George, UT - 03-13-2025 to 03-16-2025 HHS Scholastic Team to National History Bowl - Washington D.C. - 04-02-2025 to 04-27-2025 BOHS and PMA Business Professionals of America to BPA Leadership Conference - Boise, Idaho - 03-02-2025 to 03-05-2025
XI.F.5. School Support Organizations
HHS Hillcrest Legion Board HHS Hillcrest Girls Soccer Boosters HHS Hillcrest Baseball Boosters
XII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XIII. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XIII.A. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XIII.B. HOPE Squad Presentation
XIII.C. Graduation Rates
XIII.D. Proposed Policy 9805 Memorials on School Grounds for Initial Consideration.
XIV. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations
XIV.A. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XIV.B. Headwaters CMGC Contract (Action Item)
XIV.C. Release of Contract for Employee U-2025 (Action Item)
XV. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
XV.A. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XV.B. New Courses for 2025-2026 (Action Item)
XV.C. Proposed Policy 2350 Student Religious Activity at School for Public Review (Action Item)
XV.D. Learning and Instruction Curriculum Approval Committe Recommendations
XV.D.1. Balto and the Great Race (Action Item)
XV.D.2. Balto of the Blue Dawn (Action Item)
XV.D.3. Dog Diaries #4 Togo (Action Item)
XV.D.4. Lucky Stiff Play Script (Action Item)
XVI. Board Closing Business
XVI.A. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item)
XVI.B. Adjournment (Action Item)