October 9, 2024 The Board will enter Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. They will hold a Work Meeting at 6:15 p.m. The Regular Board meeting portion will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Executive Session / Work Meeting / Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Items on the Consent Agenda to Discuss in Executive Session
IV. Approve/Amend the Agenda (Action Item)
V. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into an Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
V.A. Leave Without Pay
Employee E-2025 (2) Employee F-2025 Employee G-2025 Employee H-2025 |
VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
VII. Work Meeting
VII.A. Supplemental Levy Discussion
VII.B. Upcoming School Board Conferences
VII.B.1. ISBA Convention Travel
VII.B.2. COSSBA and NSBA Conventions
VIII. Pledge of Allegiance
IX. Invocation
X. Call to Order
XI. Roll Call
XII. Board Opening Business
XII.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
XII.B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item)
XII.C. Staff/Student/Patron Recognition
Deb Sorenson - The Voice of D93 Sports TRHS - Roman Stonhill - Commended List Merit Scholar TRHS - National Honor Society - Chapter Pillar Award |
XII.D. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, The Board will accept public input on any item listed on tonight's agenda. State law prohibits comments on matters not on the agenda. Public input will be heard at the start of each agenda section and before any action is taken. Please limit comments to three minutes to allow everyone who desires the opportunity to participate. The Board will listen but will not engage in discussion, though members may ask clarifying questions.
XII.D.1. Consent Agenda Public Input
XII.E. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XII.E.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Regular Board Meeting / Executive Session - 09-11-2024 Board Work Meeting - 09-24-2024
XII.E.2. Financial
XII.E.2.a. Accounts Payable
XII.E.2.b. Contracts
Willow Creek Construction and Planning Agreement with Bonneville County Commissioners |
XII.E.2.c. Surplus Items
Curriculum - Books - Surplus Discovery Elementary - Books - Surplus Falls Valley Elementary - Books - Surplus Falls Valley Elementary - Shelving Carts - Surplus Maintenance - Dodge Truck - Surplus Bridgewater Elementary - Books - Surplus Cloverdale Elementary - Books - Surplus
XII.E.3. Employees
XII.E.3.a. Alternative Authorizations
XII.E.3.b. Conditional Employment
XII.E.3.c. Leave Requests
Employee F-2025 Employee E-2025 (2) Employee G-2025 Employee H-2025 |
XII.E.3.d. Resignations and Terminations
XII.E.3.e. Retirements
XII.E.3.f. Stipends
XII.E.3.g. Transfers
XII.E.4. Students
XII.E.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
XII.E.4.b. Club Requests
BCMS - Art Club TRHS - Financial Markets and Trading Management Club TCHS Clubs 2024-2025
XII.E.4.c. Trip Requests
TRHS Debate and Speech to Competition - Pocatello, Idaho - 11-01-2024 to 11-02-2024 BHS Hope Squad Leadership Training - Provo, UT - 11-01-2024 to 11-02-2024 BHS Cheer to Varsity Football Game - Meridian, ID - 10-18-2024 to 10-19-2024
XII.E.5. School Support Organizations
HHS Hillcrest High School Girls Basketball Boosters HHS Hillcrest High School Volleyball Boosters HHS Hillcrest High School Boys Basketball Iona PTO Mountain Valley PTO Praxium Mastery Academy PTO
XIII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda
XIV. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
XIV.A. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XIV.B. Pine Basin Report
XIV.C. Proposed Update to Policy 3270 Network and Device Responsible Use Agreement Employees and Students for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XIV.D. Proposed 2600 Promotion-Retention (K-6) for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XIV.E. Curriculum Committee Recommendations
XIV.E.1. The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (Action Item)
XIV.E.2. Red Scare (Action Item)
XIV.E.3. Calvin (Action Item)
XIV.E.4. When My Name was Keoko (Action Item)
XIV.E.5. Matched (Action Item)
XIV.E.6. Freaky Friday: One-Act Play (Action Item)
XV. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations
XV.A. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XV.B. FY2024 Audit (Action Item)
XVI. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations
XVI.A. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations Public Input
XVI.B. Summer Maintenance and Grounds report
XVI.C. Modernization Funds CMGC RFQ Committee (Action Item)
XVII. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XVII.A. Superintendent Reports and Recommendation Public Input
XVII.B. Proposed Policy 5240 Professional Conduct for Initial Consideration
XVII.C. Proposed Policy 2180 Flag Displays for Initial Consideration
XVIII. Board Closing Business
XVIII.A. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item)
XVIII.B. Adjournment (Action Item)