May 8, 2024 Executive Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. The Public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting / Executive Session
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Roll Call
III. Items on the Consent Agenda Related to Individual Students or Personnel the Board Would Like to Discuss in Executive Session.
IV. Approve the Executive Agenda (Action Item)
V. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student; (j) To consider labor contract matters authorized under section 74-206A (1)(a) and (b), Idaho code The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
V.A. Planning and Personnel Recommendations
V.A.1. Leave Without Pay
Employee BF2024 Employee BG2024 Employee BH2024 Employee AW2024 (2) Employee BI2024 |
V.A.2. Rescind Employment
Employee BK2024 |
V.A.3. Category 2 Contract Non-Re-Employment
Employee BL2024 |
V.A.4. New Hires
V.A.4.a. Thunder Ridge High School Assistant Principal
V.A.4.b. Thunder Ridge High School Girls Head Basketball Coach
V.A.5. Release of Contract
Employee BM2024 |
V.B. Waiver of Policy 5825 Nepotism Discussion
V.C. Superintendent Recommendations
V.C.1. Negotiations
VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
VII. Pledge of Allegiance
VIII. Invocation
IX. Call to Order
X. Roll Call
XI. Board Opening Business
XI.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
XI.B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item)
XI.C. Staff/Student Recognition
Praxium - National History Day State Champions - Connor Seaver, Archimedes Corpus and, Miriam Grover Praxium - National History Day Teacher of the Year - Jami McLing TRHS - Samuel Spencer - National Merit Scholar Winner TRHS - Travis Hobson - Idaho Athletic Director of the Year |
XI.D. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to report such items at a subsequent meeting.
XI.E. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XI.E.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Board Regular/Executive Session Meeting - 04-10-2024 - Draft Work Meeting/Executive Session - 04-24-2024 - Draft |
XI.E.2. Financial
XI.E.2.a. Accounts Payable
XI.E.2.b. Contracts
Wipfli Audit Engagement Contract Williamsburg Learning Curriculum Provider Agreement Mountain View and Idaho Falls Community Hospital Sports Medicine Services Agreement Contractual Agreement with Peterson Therapy Contractual Agreement with Celebrations Speech of Idaho, LLC Contractual Agreement with iSpeak Therapy, LLC Agreement with Joni Hoopes Service Provider for Special Education and or Related Services with Brian Olson Peaks to Plains Therapy Services Contractual Agreement with Panorama Green Service Provider Agreement with Angela Andrus, AA Kinetic Physical Therapy Therapy and Instructional Services Agreement with eLuma
XI.E.2.c. Surplus Items
Bridgewater Elementary - Books - Surplus Transportation - Bus # 35- Surplus Transportation - Bus #27 - Surplus Maintenance - Pine Trees - Surplus
XI.E.3. Employees
XI.E.3.a. Alternative Authorizations
XI.E.3.b. Category 1 Rehires
XI.E.3.c. Conditional Employment
XI.E.3.d. Leave Requests
Employee BF2024 Employee BG2024 Employee BH2024 Employee AW2024 (2) Employee BI2024 |
XI.E.3.e. Resignations and Terminations
XI.E.3.f. Retirements
XI.E.3.g. Stipends
XI.E.3.h. Summer Hires
XI.E.3.i. Transfers
XI.E.4. Students
XI.E.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
XI.E.4.b. Club Requests
HHS Botany Club TRHS Military Leadership Club TRHS French Club
XI.E.4.c. Trip Requests
BHS Hope Squad to Service Trip - Salt Lake City, UT - 05-20-2024 to 05-21-2024 HHS Speech and Debate Student to National Speech and Debate competition - Des Moines, IA - 06-15-2024 to 06-22-2024 HHS Yearbook to Idaho Journalism Workshop - Boise, Id - 07-21-2024 to 07-24-2024 TRHS National Honors Society Leadership Conf - Chicago, IL - 01-30-2025 to 02-04-2025 TRHS Band and Orchestra to Lagoon, Utah Symphony Concert - 05-17-05 to 05-18-2024 TRHS eSports Competition - Boise, Id - 05-10-2024 to 05-11-2024 TRHS National Student Council Conference - Chicago, IL - 01-29-2025 to 02-04-2025 TRHS Spanish Immersion Capstone Experience - Merida and Playa del Carmen, Mexico - 03-07-2025 to 03-17-2025 TRHS FCCLA to National Competition - Seattle, WA - 06-28-2024 to 07-03-2024 HHS Football to Summer Camp - Bozeman, MT - 06-17-2024 to 06-19-2024 BHS Football to Summer Camp - Bozeman, MT - 06-17-2024 to 06-19-2024 TRHS Football to CSI Football Camp - Twin Falls, Idaho - 06-10-204 to 06-13-2024 Praxium Students to National History Day - Washington D.C. - 06-09-2024 to 06-13-2024 BHS FFCLA to Star Event - Seattle, WA - 06-29-2024 to 07-03-2024 TCHS 1 student to attend National Skills USA - Atlanta, GA - 06-24-2024 to 06-29-2024
XI.F. School Support Organizations
HHS Track and Field Boosters |
XII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XIII. Student Council Report
Hillcrest High School |
XIV. Thunder Ridge National Honor Society Ukraine Report
XV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XV.A. SRO Report - Gordon Howard
XV.B. Proposed Policy 4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XV.C. Proposed Policy U-4110 General Appeals, Complaints, and Grievances for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XVI. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations
XVI.A. Thunder Ridge Girls Head Basketball Coach (Action Item)
XVI.B. Thunder Ridge Baseball Fields (Action Item)
XVI.C. Waiver of Policy 5825 Nepotism (Action Item)
XVI.D. Proposed Policy 3385 Extracurricular Athletic Participation for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XVII. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations
XVII.A. Fee Hearing
XVII.A.1. Fee Hearing Public Input
XVII.A.2. Fee Increase (Action Item)
XVIII. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
XVIII.A. Title Funding Report
XVIII.B. Instructional Materials / Media Resources Review Process
XVIII.C. Curriculum adoption
XVIII.C.1. Headin For the Weddin (Action Item)
XVIII.C.2. The American War: A History of the Civil War Era (Action Item)
XIX. Board Closing Business
XIX.A. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
XIX.B. Adjournment (Action Item)