December 13, 2023 The Public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Amended Regular Meeting/Amended Executive Session
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Roll Call
III. Amend the Executive Session Agenda (Action Item)
A Board Member moves that the Board pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204(4)(a) Amend the Agenda for the meeting as follows: To add: Employee Discipline as a subheading under Employee Recommendations along with Employee AE2024 as a discussion item. To add: Idaho Code 74-206 (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency to the reason of holding and Executive Session and Acquisition of Property 01-2024 as an item of discussion to the Executive Session. These items were received today and are time-sensitive |
IV. Approve the Amended Agenda (Action Item)
V. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need and (c) To acquire an interest in real property which is not owned by a public agency. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
V.A. Student Recommendations
V.A.1. Student 24-H (Acton Item)
V.B. Employee Recommendations
Employee H2024 - Update |
V.B.1. Leave Without Pay
Employee O2024 Employee P2024 Employee Q2024 Employee V2024 (1) Employee V2024 (2) Employee W2024 Employee X2024 Employee Y2024 Employee Z2024 Employee AA2024 (1) Employee AA2024 (2) Employee AB2024 Employee AC2024 Employee AD2024 Employee K2024 |
V.B.2. Release of Contract
Employee N2024 Employee S2024 Employee T2024 Employee U2024 |
V.B.3. Recommendations for Termination
Employee R2024 |
V.C. Employee Discipline
Employee AE2024 |
V.D. Litigations and Complaints
V.D.1. Case 24-02
V.E. Acquisition of Property 01-2024
VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
VII. Pledge of Allegiance
VIII. Prayer
IX. Call to Order
X. Roll Call
XI. Board Opening Business
XI.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
XI.B. Amend the Regular Agenda (Action Item)
A Board Member MOVES THAT THE BOARD PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE §74-204(4)(a) AMEND THE AGENDA FOR THIS MEETING AS FOLLOWS: To add: HHS Girls Basketball to Timberline Holiday Basketball Invitational to the Consent Agenda under Student Trips To add: HHS Knightline Dance to Columbia High School - Boise, Idaho to the Consent Agenda under Student Trips To add: HHS Boys Basketball to Owyhee Idaho Invitational - Boise, Idaho to the Consent Agenda under Student Trips To add: Bridgewater - Surplus - Books to the Consent Agenda under Surplus Items To add: Resolution Re: Transfer of Tiebreaker property to the City of Ammon for Right of Way as an action item under Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations. These items were received today, and are time-sensitive. |
XI.C. Approve the Amended Regular Agenda (Action Item)
XI.D. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XI.D.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Special Meeting/Executive Session - 11-01-2023 - Draft Regular Meeting/Executive Session - 11-08-2023 - Draft Work Meeting/Executive Session - 11-29-2023 - Draft
XI.D.2. Financial
XI.D.2.a. Accounts Payable
XI.D.2.b. Surplus Items
Ammon - Books - Surplus Rimrock - Books - Surplus Transportation - Bus - Surplus Bridgewater - Books - Surplus
XI.D.3. Employees
XI.D.3.a. Alternative Authorizations
XI.D.3.b. Conditional Employment
XI.D.3.c. Leave Requests
Employee O2024 Employee P2024 Employee Q2024 Employee V2024 (1) Employee V2024 (2) Employee W2024 Employee X2024 Employee Y2024 Employee Z2024 Employee AA2024 (1) Employee AA2024 (2) Employee AB2024 Employee AC2024 Employee AD2024 Employee K2024 |
XI.D.3.d. Resignations and Terminations
XI.D.3.e. Retirements
XI.D.3.f. Stipends
XI.D.3.g. Transfers
XI.D.4. Students
XI.D.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
XI.D.4.b. Club Requests
XI.D.4.c. Trip Requests
HHS - Knightline Dance Team to IHSAA Dance Competition - Boise, Idaho - 01-05-2024 to 01-06-2024 HHS - Knightline Dance Team to IHSAA Dance Competition - Boise, Idaho - 12-15-2023 to 12-16-2023 RMMS - Advanced Robotics to State FLL Robotics Tournament - Boise, Idaho - 1-13-2024 to 1-13-2024 HHS - Knightline Dance Team to Mountain View High School Dance Invitational - Boise, Idaho - 12-15-2023 to 112-16-2023 HHS - Boys Basketball to Owyhee Idaho Invitational - Boise, Idaho - 12-14-2023 to 12/16/2023 HHS - Girls Basketball to Timberline Holiday Invitational - Boise, Idaho - 12/28/2023 to 12/30/2023 HHS - Knightline Dance to CCDC Dance at Columbia High School - Boise, Idaho - 01-05-2024 to 01-06-2024
XI.E. Items Moved from the Consent Agenda
XI.F. Staff/Student Recognition
XI.F.1. TRHS - State Drama Champion in Properties Design - Connor Evans
TRHS - IHSAA State Drama Champion in Makeup Design and Scenic Design - Kinley Friess TRHS - 3rd Place at 5A IHSAA State Drama Competition HHS - 2nd Place in 4A IHSAA State Football BHS - 2nd Place in 4A IHSAA State Volleyball |
XII. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to consider such items at a subsequent meeting.
XIII. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations
XIII.A. Willow Creek Elementary Colors (Action Item)
XIII.B. Resolution to Designate Site for Willow Creek Elementary School (Action Item)
XIII.C. Proposed Ammon Elementary Cafeteria Bid Award (Action Item)
XIII.D. Resolution Re: Transfer of Tiebreaker Property to the City of Ammon for Right of Way. (Action Item)
XIV. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
XIV.A. Proposed Policy 3050 Attendance for Public Review (Action Item)
XIV.B. Proposed Policy 2560 Field Trips for Initial Consideration
XIV.C. Proposed Policy 2555 Overnight Travel for Initial Consideration.
XIV.D. Proposed Deletion of Procedure 2555P Extended Out-Of-District of Overnight Travel for Initial Consideration
XIV.E. Proposed Policy 2557 Non-Approved Student Activities or Trips for Initial Consideration
XIV.F. Deletion of Proposed Policy 8230 Unsponsored Student Activities or Trips for Initial Consideration
XIV.G. Curriculum Recommendation for Approval
XIV.G.1. The Idaho Adventure (Action Item)
XIV.G.2. The Self-Aware Leader (Action Item)
XV. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. |
XV.A. Superintendent Evaluation
XV.B. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
XVI. Board Closing Business
XVI.A. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
XVI.B. Adjournment (Action Item)