Wednesday, May 10, 2023 5:00 p.m. A Work Session will be from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30. The public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Executive Session/Work Session/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Roll Call
III. Amend/Approve Agenda (Action Item)
IV. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206 (1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. Roll Call Vote |
IV.A. Student Recommendations
IV.A.1. Student 23-Z (Action Item)
IV.A.2. Student 23-AA (Action Item)
IV.B. Employee Recommendations
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IV.B.1. Rocky Mountain Middle School Principal Recommendation
IV.C. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
IV.D. Recess to Work Session
V. Zone 1 Trustee Appointment Interviews
VI. Recess to Regular Meeting
VII. Pledge of Allegiance
VIII. Prayer
IX. Call to Order
X. Roll Call
XI. Board Opening Business
XI.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
XI.B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item)
XI.C. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
XI.C.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Executive Session/Work Session - 04-12-2023 Executive Session/Regular Meeting - 04-12-2023 Executive Session/Special Meeting - 04-14-2023 Work Session/Special Meeting - 04-26-2023
XI.C.2. Financial
XI.C.2.a. Accounts Payable
XI.C.2.b. Contracts
SRO School District 93 Proposal Rocky Mountain Power Contract with Westmark Stadium Bonneville County Use of D93 Buses for Teen Leadership Camp
XI.C.2.c. Surplus Items
Child Nutrition - Surplus - Kitchen Supply Falls Valley - Surplus - Books
XI.C.3. Employees
XI.C.3.a. Alternative Authorizations
XI.C.3.b. Category 1 Rehires
XI.C.3.c. Conditional Employment
XI.C.3.d. Leave Requests
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XI.C.3.e. Resignations and Terminations
XI.C.3.f. Retirements
XI.C.3.g. Stipends
XI.C.3.h. Summer
XI.C.3.i. Transfers
XI.C.4. Students
XI.C.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
XI.C.4.b. Trip Requests
BHS Bonneville Football to Team Camp at Montana Tech - Butte, MT - 06-13-2023 to 06-15-2023 HHS Hillcrest Football to Team Camp - Bozeman, MT - 06-19-2023 to 06-21-2023 TRHS Ballroom Team to Farmington, UT - 06-07-2023 to 06-09-2023 BOHS National HOSA Competition for Sydney Allred - Dallas, TX - 06-20-2023 to 06-25-2023. TRHS Esports to High School Esports Association State Championship Tournament - Boise, ID - 05-11-2023 to 5-13-2023.
XI.D. Thunder Ridge Spanish Class Mexico Experience Report
XI.E. Staff/Student Recognition
TRHS - Natalie Woods - Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching TRHS - Travis Hobson - Marquis Ross Up and Coming Athletic Director Winner TRHS - Josh Brock - 2023 - Humorous Interpretation in Speech State Champion TCHS - Teagan Arnold - Small Engine Technology SKILLS State Champion BOHS - Sydney Allred - 2023 HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) State Champion HHS - Treyson Deschamps - Adobe Certifications BHS - Eli DeTonancour - Solo and Ensemble State Champion BHS - Abby Huber - Solo and Ensemble State Champion BHS - Rebekah Grover - Solo and Ensemble State Champion |
XII. Hillcrest High School Student Council Report
XIII. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to consider such items at a subsequent meeting.
XIV. Learning and Instruction
XIV.A. Hillcrest High School Travel Request Tennis Team to Capital Player Invitational Tournament in Boise, Idaho (Action Item)
XIV.B. Hillcrest High School Track Student Travel Request to the Boise Relays (Action Item)
XV. Planning and Personnel
XV.A. Rocky Mountain Middle School Principal (Action Item)
XV.B. Developments and Population Trends Report
XV.C. Architect Recommendation for Proposed Elementary School (Action Item)
XV.D. Westmark Stadium Excavation Bid (Action Item)
XV.E. Proposed Policy 5040 Certified Staff Transfers for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XV.F. Request to Rescind Resignation for Gene Smith (Action Item)
XV.G. Declare Agriculture Science and Technology as an area of need in Bonneville Joint School District and Technical Careers High School (Action Item)
XVI. Finance and Operations
XVI.A. Fee Hearing
XVI.A.1. Fee Hearing Public Input
XVI.A.2. Proposed Fees (Action Item)
XVI.B. Key Financial Indicators Report
XVI.B.1. FY 2023 Special Distributions
XVI.B.2. Return to ADA (FY 2024 Attendance Based Funding)
XVI.C. FY 24 and FY 25 Declaration of Reduction in Force (RIF) (Action Item)
XVII. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XVII.A. School Public Relations and Communications Report
XVII.B. Participation in Social Media Litigation (Action Item)
XVII.C. Policy 1100 Membership for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XVIII. Board Closing Business
XVIII.A. Zone 1 Trustee Appointment (Action Item)
XVIII.B. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
XVIII.C. Adjournment (Action Item)