March 8, 2023 Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. The Public Session of this meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. - Amended Regular Meeting/Executive Session
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve/Amend the Agenda (Action Item)
III. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(a) to consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy in an elective office or deliberations about staffing needs in general. (1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Roll Call Vote |
III.A. Student Recommendations
III.A.1. Student 23-T (Action Item)
III.A.2. Student 23-U (Action Item)
III.A.3. Student 23-V (Action Item)
III.A.4. Student 23-W (Action Item)
III.B. Employee Recommendations
Employee AL2023 Employee AD2023 Employee AE2023 Employee AF2023 Employee AG2023 Employee AH2023 Employee AI2023 Employee AK2023 Employee AB2023 Employee AJ2023 |
III.C. Special Education Director Recommendation (Discussion)
III.D. Sandcreek Middle School Assistant Principal Recommendation (Discussion)
IV. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
V. Recess to Public Session
VI. Pledge of Allegiance
VII. Prayer
VIII. Call to Order
IX. Roll Call
X. Board Opening Business
X.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
X.B. Motion and Order to Amend the Agenda (Action Item)
A Board member moves Pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204(4)(a) to Amend the Agenda for this meeting as follows: To add: Employee AL2023 to Employee Recommendations on the Executive Session portion of the agenda. To add: HHS, TRHS, BHS - FCCLA to Star Events Competition - Boise, Idaho - 04-05-2023 to 04-07-2023 to the Regular Agenda under Learning and Instruction as an Action Item. To change: TRHS - Idaho Law Foundation Competition - Boise, ID dates from 03-03-2023 and 03-04-2023 to 03-15-2023 to 03-17-2023 under Student Trip Requests. These requests were received on March 7, 2023, and are time sensitive. |
X.C. Amend the Amended Agenda/Approve the Amended Agenda (Action Item)
X.D. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
X.D.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
02-08-2023 - Executive Session / Regular Board Meeting (Draft) 02-22-2023 - Amended Board Special Meeting/Executive Meeting (Draft)
X.D.2. Financial
X.D.2.a. Accounts Payable
February 2023 Check List
X.D.2.b. Contracts
Nguyen Law Special Services Legal Counsel
X.D.3. Employees
X.D.3.a. Alternative Authorizations
X.D.3.b. Category 1 Rehires
X.D.3.c. Conditional Employment
X.D.3.d. Leave Requests
Employee AD2023 Employee AE2023 Employee AF2023 Employee AG2023 Employee AH2023 Employee AI2023 Employee AK2023 |
X.D.3.e. Resignations and Terminations
X.D.3.f. Retirements
X.D.3.g. Stipends
X.D.3.h. Transfers
X.D.4. Students
X.D.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
X.D.4.b. Club Requests
TRHS - Thunder Ridge Anime Mountain Valley Drama Club Mountain Valley After School Sports Club
X.D.4.c. Trip Requests
TRHS Scholastic Team to National History Bee - Arlington, VA - 04-29-2023 to 05-03-2023 RMMS - Orchestra, Band, Choir to Large Ensemble Contest and Lagoon - Farmington, UT - 05-13-2023 TRHS - Idaho Law Foundation Competition - Boise, ID - 03-16-2023 to 03-17-2023 BHS and TRHS - Softball Tournament - St. George, UT - 3-16-2023 to 3-18-2023 - traveling together PMA - Math Counts State Competition - Boise, ID - 03-10-2023 to 03-11-2023 BHS Senior Trip to Lagoon - Farmington, UT - 05-31-2023 to 05-31-2023 HHS - Baseball Team to Spring Softball Invitational - St. George, UT - 03-16-2023 to 03-18-2023 HHS - Yearbook to Idaho Journalism Workshop - Donnelly, Idaho - 07-23-2023 to 07-06-2023 HHS - Baseball Team to Bucks Bags Baseball Tournament - Boise, Idaho - 03-23-2023 to 03-25-2023 BOHS Business Professionals of America to National Leadership Conference - Anaheim, CA - 04-24-2023 to 04-30-2023
X.D.5. Superintendent Travel
Everyone Reading Conference - New York, New York - 03-12-2023 to 03-15-2023 |
X.E. Staff/Student Recognition
TRHS - 2023 5A 145lb.State Wrestling Champion - Carson Burton BOHS - 2023 Statesman Torch Award at the Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference - Jacob Briggs Praxium - 2023 1st Place Honors in Website Design Team for Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference - Hannah Woodrum, Cason Adair, Brooke Porter, Ammon Fosburg |
X.F. Thunder Ridge High School STUCO Presentation
X.G. Technical Careers High School STUCO Presentation
XI. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to consider such items at a subsequent meeting.
XII. Learning and Instruction
XII.A. School Nurse Program Report
XII.B. HHS, TRHS, BHS - FCCLA to Star Events Competition - Boise, Idaho - 04-05-2023 to 04-07-2023 (Action Item)
XIII. Planning and Personnel
XIII.A. Sandcreek Middle School Assistant Principal Recommendation (Action Item)
XIII.B. Special Education Director Recommendation (Action Item)
XIII.C. Policy 5040 Certified Staff Transfers for Initial Consideration
XIV. Finance and Operations
XIV.A. Energy Savings Report
XIV.B. Municipal Advisor Proposed Contract (Action Item)
XIV.C. Policy 9215 Acquisition Disposal and Exchange of School Property for Final Adoption (Action Item)
XIV.D. Parcel Number: RPO2083004005O by Thunder Ridge High School Sale (Action Item)
XIV.E. Emergency Closure / Certificate of Closure (Action Item)
XV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
XV.A. Annexation Proposal (Action Item)
XV.B. Bond Resolution (Action Item)
XV.C. Negotiation Team Appointment (Action Item)
XV.D. JUUL Litigation Settlement (Action Item)
XVI. Board Closing Business
XVI.A. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
XVI.B. Adjournment (Action Item)