January 11, 2023 6:00pm (Executive Session at 6:00 pm; Public Session Begins at 7:00pm) - Annual Meeting/Amended Agenda
Agenda |
I. Welcome
II. Approve/Amend the Agenda (Action Item)
III. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Roll Call Vote |
III.A. Student Recommendations
III.A.1. Student 23-P (Action Item)
III.B. Planning and Personnel Recommendations
III.B.1. Employee U2023
III.C. Superintendent Evaluation
IV. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
V. Move to Regular Session
VI. Board Opening Business (Begins at 7:00 p.m.)
VI.A. Call to Order
VI.B. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors
VI.C. Pledge of Allegiance
VI.D. Prayer
VI.E. Roll Call
VI.F. Motion and Order to Amend the Agenda (Action Item)
A Board member moved that the Board Pursuant to Idaho Code 74-204(4)(a) amend the agenda for this meeting for the following reasons: To add: Employee U2023 Release of Contract as an action item under Planning and Personnel in the public session of the agenda To add: Community Engagement Survey Options as an action item under Superintendent Recommendations and Reports in the public session of the agenda To remove: Sandcreek Middle School requesting a change to the board-approved district calendar for Sandcreek Middle School reflecting a day off for Sandcreek students only if they successfully reach their financial goal with a fundraiser for Zambia's Scholarship Fund from the agenda under Learning and Instruction in the public session of the agenda. These items were received today and are extremely time sensitive. |
VI.G. Amend the Amended Agenda/Approve the Amended Agenda (Action Item)
VI.H. Board Reorganization (Action Item)
VI.H.1. Chairman of the Board
VI.H.2. Vice Chairman
VI.H.3. Treasurer
VI.H.4. Board Clerk
VI.I. Code of Ethics
VI.J. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item)
VI.J.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
Executive Session - 12-14-2022 - Draft Regular Meeting - 12-14-2022 - Draft
VI.J.2. Financial
VI.J.2.a. Accounts Payable
December 2022 Board Report
VI.J.2.b. Contracts
Piper Sandler & Co
VI.J.2.c. Surplus Items
Federal Programs - Books Federal Programs - Books and Cards
VI.J.3. Employees
VI.J.3.a. Conditional Employment
VI.J.3.b. Resignations and Terminations
VI.J.3.c. Retirements
VI.J.3.d. Stipends
VI.J.3.e. Transfers
VI.J.4. Students
VI.J.4.a. Early Graduation Requests
VI.J.4.b. Club Requests
BCMS Black Canyon Middle School Robotics Team BCMS Storm National Honor Society
VI.J.4.c. Trip Requests
BHS Ballroom to Ballroom Competition - Farmington, UT - 2-17-2023 to 2-19-2023 BOHS and Praxium Mastery Academy - BPA State Leadership Conference - Boise, ID - 2-22-2023 to 2-25-2023 SMS - Cheer Competition - Preston, Idaho - 1-20-2023 to 1-20-2023 TCHS National Association of Home Builders National Competition - Las Vegas, NV - 1-30-2023 to 2-2-2023 BHS Cheer - USA Nationals Cheer Competition - Anaheim, CA - 2-21-2023 to 2-27-2023
VII. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to consider such items at a subsequent meeting.
VIII. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
VIII.A. Successes and Accomplishments of 2022
VIII.B. District Organizations and Responsibilities
VIII.C. Community Engagement Survey Options (Action Item)
VIII.D. COVID Plan for final Adoption (Action Item)
IX. Planning and Personnel
IX.A. Employee U2023 Release of Contract (Action Item)
IX.B. Policy U3570 Emergency Closures for Final Adoption (Action Item)
X. Learning and Instruction
X.A. Bonneville High School Orchestra travel request to the Bahamas (Discussion)
X.B. Policy 3600 Student Records for Final Adoption (Action Item)
X.C. Policy 3010 Open Enrollment for 30-Day Review (Action Item)
XI. Board Closing Business
XI.A. Upcoming Board Events and Conferences
Day on the Hill - February 20-21, 2023 - Boise, Idaho COSSBA - March 30 - April 2, 2023 - Tampa, Florida NSBA - April 1 - April 3, 2023 - Orlando, Florida |
XI.B. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
Board Work Session - January 25, 2023 - 11:30 a.m. - Rimrock Elementary |
XII. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Roll Call Vote |
XII.A. Superintendent Evaluation
XIII. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
XIV. Adjournment (Action Item)