July 15, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Special School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Preliminary
I.A. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Communications
II.A. Requests from persons wishing to speak on certain agenda items will be called upon at the appropriate time.
II.B. Citizens wishing to address the Board of Education on items not on the agenda. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. (Matters regarding specific employees or students are of a confidential nature and will not be heard in open session.)
III. Action of Routine Matters
III.A. Blanket Motion
Opportunity will be given for the selection of items that need no discussion to be approved at the appropriate time on the agenda. The following items are recommended for the Blanket Motion:
III.A.1. Contracts (a-c)...Action
III.A.1.a. Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Technology Purchase
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the acquisition of the above items, from CDW-G, 75 Remittance Drive Suite 1515 Vernon Hills, Illinois 60675 at a cost not to exceed $768,200 and Apple Computers, INC 12545 RIATA VISTA Circle Austin, TX 78727 at a cost not to exceed $4,500. CARES funds will be used for these purchases.
III.A.1.b. GoGuardian Suite 3-Year Subscription
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the 3-year subscription of GoGuardian Suite, valid from August 1st 2020 through July 31st, 2023, from FireFly Computers, 1271 Red Fox Road, Saint Paul, MN 55112 at a cost not to exceed $102,000.00. CARES ACT funds will be used for this purchase.
III.A.1.c. Cradlepoint Routers and Verizon Cellular Subscriptions for Community Internet Equity
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the acquisition of 20 Cradlepoint Routers, from Source, Incorporated, 6840 Silverheel Street, Shawnee, Kansas 66226 at a cost not to exceed $28,050.00 and the annual cellular subscriptions for 100 devices (20 Cradlepoint routers and 80 Novatel home routers) from Verizon Wireless, One Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 at a cost not to exceed $43,200.00. The combined amounts total $71,250.00 and CARES ACT funds will be used for these purchases.
IV. Education
IV.A. Recommendation to Reopen the 2020-2021 School Year...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the reopen of the 2020-2021 school year proposal as presented. Dr. Lawrence will review the survey results and bring a recommendation to the Board of Education for the return to learn 2020-21 school year plan.
V. Executive Session
It is recommended that the Board of Education move to executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body,including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine itsvalidity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1). Collective negotiating matters between
the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2). |
VI. Adjournment