November 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Preliminary
I.A. Call to Order and Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Approval of Board of Education Minutes
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 22, 2019, including the executive session minutes to remain confidential.
I.D. Approval of Additions and / or Deletions
I.E. Approval of Agenda
II. Special Item
II.A. School Board Recognition Day
II.B. Girls Track Head Coach Announcement
II.C. Rock Island High School Grading Policy - Information
Rock Island High School Principal, Mr. Whitaker will provide information on the grading policy.
III. Reports
III.A. Board Members
III.B. Superintendent
III.C. RIEA President
IV. Communications
IV.A. Requests from persons wishing to speak on certain agenda items will be called upon at the appropriate time.
IV.B. Citizens wishing to address the Board of Education on items not on the agenda. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. (Matters regarding specific employees or students are of a confidential nature and will not be heard in open session.)
V. Action of Routine Matters
V.A. Request for Future Agenda Items
V.B. Blanket Motion
Opportunity will be given for the selection of items that need no discussion to be approved at the appropriate time on the agenda. The following items are recommended for the Blanket Motion:
V.B.1. Contracts (a-c)...Action
V.B.1.a. Food Service Software License Renewal...Action
It is the recommended that the Board of Education approve the software contract extension with Heartland School Solutions in the amount of $9,100.00.
V.B.1.b. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Videography...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the contract for service with Dphilms, 201 6th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61265 to provide videography services for the AVID Program at Washington Jr. High School, for the 2019-2020 school year at a cost of $7,770. Washington Jr. High School AVID Funds will be utilized for this purchase.
V.B.1.c. Thomas Jefferson Gymnasium Lighting Replacement...Action
It is recommended that the RIMSD Board of Education approve the contract for gymnasium lighting replacement at Thomas Jefferson Elementary to: Lakewood Electric, Milan, IL. in the amount of $6,290.00.
V.B.1.d. Orchestra Equipment Replacement ...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the purchase of Orchestra replacement
equipment from West Music, Coralville, IA., in the amount of: $11,630.27. |
V.B.2. Education...Action
V.B.2.a. Head Start Grant Amendment
It is recommended the Board of Education approve the amendment to the 2018-2019 Head Start Grant to carry-over $13,959 of unexpended funds into the 2019-2020 program year.
V.B.3. School Board Travel for Conference...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the attendance at the National School Board Association Conference for Mr. Terell Williams and Dr. Tiffany Stoner-Harris, in Chicago, IL, April 3-
April 6, 2020, at an estimated cost of $4,838.28. |
V.B.4. Fundraiser Requests...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the October Fund Raiser requests.
V.B.5. Overnight Field Trip Request...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the overnight field trip request of the Rock Island High School Varsity Girls Basketball team from December 26, 2019 to Decemer 28, 2019 to attend the State Farm Holiday Basketball Tournament, Bloomington/Normal, IL.`
V.B.6. Bills for Payment...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize Bills for Payment dated October 31, 2019 in the amount of $7,797,733.99.
V.B.7. Certified Appointments...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following certified appointments for 2019-20 school year of George St. John, Larry Hall, Huda Ebrahimi, James Wince, and Melissa Kress.
V.B.8. Non-Certified Appointments...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following non-certified appointments for the 2019-20 school year of Sabrina Pappas, Nashaun Lee, Alma Pizano-Onofre, Christine Taimanglo, Haley Anderson, Melissa Hall, Kathleen Locke, Sara Swartz, Danielle Cook, Andrew Gale, Randall Veys, Robert Minard, and Carl Lampkin.
V.B.9. Non-Certified Coach...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education approve the following non-certified coaches fro the 2019-20 school year of Marquis Rodgers, Paris Dothard, and Michael Randle.
V.B.10. Non-Certified Retirement...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education accept the following resignation due to retirement during the 2019-20 school year of Steve Stalf, Custodian/RIHS, 13 years of service.
V.B.11. Non-Certified Resignations...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education accept the following non-certified resignations during the 2019-20 school year of Joseph Sandoval, Hall Monitor/RIHS, less than one year of service.
V.B.12. Non-Certified Termination..Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education accept the following non-certified termination during the 2019-20 school year of Christina Pohl, Food Service/Eugene Field, six years of service.
VI. Operations
VI.A. Board Policy Revisions...Information
Members of the administrative team will present recommended revisions to Board Polices as received from the Illinois Association of School Boards policy service.
VI.B. Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA)...Information
The District received a FOIA request and responded in the five day
time limit: Mr. Kyle Miller requested a copy of the current managed print contract (copiers and printers) along with six months of invoices. |
VI.C. 2020-2021 District Calendar...Information
Dr. Lawrence will review the proposed 2020-2021 District Calendar.
VI.D. 2021-2022 District Calendar...Information
Dr. Lawrence will review the proposed 2021-2022 District Calendar.
VII. Business/Finance
VII.A. 2019 Tax Levy...Information
Bob Beckwith will present the 2019 Tax Levy.
VIII. Work Session
VIII.A. 1% Bond Option Recommendation...Action
It is recommended that the Board of Education authorize the administration to move forward with the alternate revenue bonds with the following terms: 65% of the annual 1% sales tax revenue and a term of 15 years for repayment.
IX. Executive Session
It is recommended that the Board of Education move to executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body,including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine itsvalidity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1). Collective negotiating matters between
the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (2). |
X. Adjournment