February 27, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order & Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Consent Items
III.A. Financial
III.B. Minutes
Approve the following Minutes:
IV. Informational Items
V. Administrative Reports
V.A. Director of Teaching & Learning
V.B. Coordinator of Special Education
V.C. Additional Building Administrators & Directors
V.D. Superintendent
VI. Action Items (Public Comment)
VI.A. Review & Approve: Illinois Vision 2030 Resolution
VI.B. Review & Approve 2025-2026 School Calendar
VI.C. Review & Approve Joint Agreement Resolution for Collinsville Area Vocational Center.
VI.D. Review/Approve - Athletic Trainer Consent to Treat Form - Fall 2025-2026 School Year.
VI.E. Review & Approve - Invitation from Cahokia Athletic Conference for Civic Memorial High School to join Effective for the 2026-2027 School Year.
VI.F. Review/Approve TMS Student Council Convention April 11 -12, 2025 - Springfield, IL
VI.G. Review & Approve - TMS Video Gaming Club
VI.H. Review & Approve SAAS (Software as a Service) agreement with Skyward.
VI.I. Review/Approve: Board Policies 2nd Reading
2:160 Board Attorney; 4:15 Identity Protection; 4:70 Resource Conservation; 4:80 Accounting and Audits; 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Communications; 5:180 Temporary Illiness or Temporary Incapacity' 5:20 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal; 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions; 5:310 Overtime Compensation; 6:140 Education of Homeless Children; 6:150 Home & Hospital Instructions; 7:170 Vandalism; 7:185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited |
VI.J. Personnel (Executive Session)
Closed Session purusant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(1) to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee. |
VI.K. Collective Bargaining (Executive Session)
Closed Session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2) to discuss collective negotiating matters between the Board and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. |
VI.L. Real Property (Executive Session)
Closed Session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(5) to consider the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the Board, including meetings to discuss whether a particular parcel should be acquired. |
VI.M. Real Property (Executive Session)
Closed Session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2(c)(6) to discuss setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the school board. |
VI.N. Litigation (Executive Session)
Closed Session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(11) to discuss litigation when an action against affecting or on behalf of the Board has not yet been filed in a court or administrative tribunal but the Board finds that such an action is probable or imminent. |
VI.O. Litigation (Executive Session)
Closed Session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2(c)(11) to discuss litigation when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the Board has been filed and is pending in a court or administrative tribunal. |
VI.P. Review/Approve Personnel Actions
Administrative Hires - TMS Asst Principal, PS Principal, Director of Business Operations Administrative Resignation - PS Principal Administrative - Retirement - Special Ed. Coordinator Certified Resignation - CTE Teacher, School Psychologist Certified Hires - Math Teachers (CMHS, TMS) Teacher - MB, ESY Summer School Teachers, ESY Summer Nurse Certified Transfers - 3rd Grade to Art, TMS Social Study to Admin position, 3rd grade to 4th Grade Math Non-Certified Retirement - Kitchen Manager - PS Non-Certified Resignation - Paraprofessionals, TMS PT Secretary, Non-Certified Leave of Absence - Bus monitor (unpaid) Non-Certified Hires - Bus Monitor(s), Secretary TMS, Summer School Paraprofessionals Extra Curricular Resignation - Golf Coach - Girls, CMHS Cheer Co-Coach Extra Curricular Hires - CMHS Asst baseball, CMHS Asst Volleyball Extra Curricular Volunteer Hires - TMS Girls Basketball Coach, CMHS baseball, TMS Track Coach |
VI.Q. Review/Approve: Multi-Year Contract 2025-2028 Director of Business Operations
VI.R. Other Actions as Necessary
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Adjournment