January 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Organization of the Freeland Board of Education for 2024
2. The Board President will lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance as follows:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. |
3. Invitation to speak to an agenda or non-agenda item.
The Board of Education meets and conducts school business in public. The public is invited to watch and listen to the Board of Education deliberate and vote on the agenda items scheduled for action and discussion. Although the Board of Education meets in public, this is not a meeting for the public to participate. It is a meeting for the seven (7) members of the Board of Education to conduct the business of the school district. As an important part of each meeting, the public is invited to address the Board of Education at this time. This portion of the meeting shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes unless extended by a vote of the Board. This is the only time the public will have to speak to Board members during the meeting. Please follow the requested process if you intend to address the Board. |
4. Correspondence
5. Approval of the Agenda
6. Approval of the Consent Agenda
7. Consent Agenda - Approval of Board of Education Meeting Minutes
7.a. December 13, 2023 - Regular Session
8. Consent Agenda - Approval of depositors and signatures for FCSD financial accounts through January 2025: General Fund, Payroll, Hot Lunch Program, Athletic Service, Internals, Sinking Fund, Flexible Spending, Athletic-Student Activity, Capital Projects-Property.
9. Consent Agenda - Approval of Investment Account Signatures Resolution
10. Consent Agenda - Resolution Authorizing Electronic Transactions
11. Consent Agenda - Set Fee for Notice of Board Meetings
12. Consent Agenda - Board Administrative Designee (to Assume Responsibilities of Board Treasurer and Secretary)
13. Consent Agenda - Approval of Auditor
14. Consent Agenda - Approval of Legal Counsel
15. Public Comment
16. Approval of Hire - FHS English Teacher
Superintendent Hillborg
17. Building and Site Committee Meeting Report
Member Kipfmiller
18. Approve dates, times, and locations for regular monthly meetings of the Board of Education for fiscal year 2024-2025.
Superintendent Hillborg
19. Bond Discussion
Superintendent Hillborg
20. Committee, District, & SISD Appointments
(ACTION REQUIRED - Board President)
Board President
21. Closed Session (PA 267 of 1976, Section 8(a))(ACTION REQUIRED - Roll Call Vote)
Superintendent Hillborg
22. Board Member/Superintendent Comment
23. Adjourn