April 20, 2023 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call of the Board of Education
II. Recognition of Visitors
III. Public Participation
Community Conversation about School Safety and Student Mental Health |
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Correspondence
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.1. Approval of Personnel Changes as Presented
VI.2. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2023
VI.3. Approval of over night conference stays for Heather Phillips and and Miranda Holmberg to Midland, MI for March 20-21, 2023; Angie Adams to Grand Rapids, MI for April 11-12, 2023; Amanda Foster to Lansing, MI for April 31 - May 2, 2023; Mara Whaley to Lansing, MI for May 1-2, 2023; Michele Nemeth to Traverse City, MI for August 6-9, 2023; Miranda Holmberg and Angie Adams to Traverse City, MI for August 14-16, 2023
VI.4. Approval of out of state conference request for Amanda Sturm to Canyon, Texas for June 26-29, 2023
VII. Approve/Disapprove Invoices for Payment
VIII. Approve/Disapprove the purchase of two (2) buses from Midwest Transit for a total of amount of $188,806.00
IX. Administrative Reports/Comments/Information Items
1) Shannon Tripp 2) Dan Brant 3) Adel DiOrio 4) Tricia Root 5) Kyle Hamlin |
X. Information and Discussion Items for Future Meetings
XI. Adjournment