February 12, 2018 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call of the Board of Education
II. Recognition of Visitors
III. Public Participation
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Correspondence
VI. Administrative Reports/Comments/Information Items
VI.1. MAISD Update provided by Jodi Willard, Celena Mills, and Stephanie O'Dea
VI.2. Superintendent’s Report – Ron Simon
VI.3. Budget Amendments - Stephanie Weese
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes held January 8, 2018
VII.2. Approval of over night conference stay for Kathryn Glanville to Lansing, MI for February 12-14, 2018; Dee Evans to Midland, MI for March 5-6, 2018; Penny Dora to Midland, MI for March 15-16, 2018; Marcia Crocetto, Tracy Walczewski and Christine Bentley to Frankemuth, MI for March 21-23, 2018; Marcy Jaques to East Lansing, MI for April 30-May 1, 2018; Stephanie Weese to Detroit, MI for April 16-19, 2018; Leanne Bush to Traverse City, MI for May 7-9, 2018
VII.3. Approval of Personnel Changes:
VII.3.a. Resignation: Slater Martin, Fiscal Service Coordinator - L:EA, effective February 7, 2018
VII.3.b. Resignation: LouAnn Delamater, Bus Driver/Bus Aide with CDL, effective January 15, 2018
VII.3.c. Retirement: Carmelita Bailey, Para Educator, effective January 31, 2018
VII.3.d. New Hire: Jessica Aldridge, Fiscal Services Coordinator - LEA; effective February 5, 2018
VII.3.e. Resignation: Ben Bratka, Para Educator, effective February, 9, 2018
VIII. Approval of out-of-state conference request for Dee Evans to Frisco, Texas for March 8-14, 2018
IX. Approve/Disapprove Invoices for Payment
X. Approve/Disapprove Budget Amendments for General Education, Special Education and Vocational Education as presented
XI. Information and Discussion Items for Future Meetings
XII. Adjournment