April 21, 2017 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call of the Board of Education
II. Recognition of Visitors
III. Public Participation
IV. Approval of the Agenda
V. Correspondence
VI. Administrative Reports/Comments/Information Items
VI.1. MAISD Update provided by Michelle Goodwin, Jodi Willard and Celena Mills
VI.2. Superintendent’s Report – Ron Simon
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes held March 9, 2017
VII.2. Approval of over-night conference stays for Teresa Boyer, Matt Balanger and Doris Demorest to Dearborn, MI for May 4-5, 2017; Kathryn Glanville to Detroit, MI for May 10-12, 2017; Rachel Sneller, Teresa Boyer, Miranda Holmberg, John Mudie, Ashley Whalen and Kristen Larson to Traverse City, MI for June 20-23, 2017; Jodi WIllard, Kristen Larson, Riley Denison, Esther Combs, Teresa Boyer and Rachel Sneller to Traverse City, MI for August 6-9, 2017; Kathryn Glanville to Traverse City, MI for August 5-9, 2017; Kathryn Glanville to Troy, MI for August 24-25, 2017
VII.3. Approval of Staff Changes:
VII.3.a. Resignation: Holly Beachum, MTSS Coordinator, effective June 9, 2017
VII.3.b. Retirement: Susan Clements, Early On Coordinator, effective June 30, 2017
VII.3.c. Retirement: Michelle Goodwin, Associate Superintendent of Instruction, effective June 30, 2017
VII.3.d. Retirement: Lauri Zimmerman, Para Educator, effective July 1, 2017
VII.3.e. Resignation: Joy Noah, Para Educator, effective July 1, 2017
VII.3.f. New Hire: Joseph Rood, Para Educator, effective April, 11, 2017
VII.4. Approval of out of state conference requests for Sherri Hebert and Dawn Knoerl to Milwaukee, WI for April 20-21, 2017; Matthew Balenger and Doris Demorest to Portland, OR for July 16-20, 2017
VIII. Approve/Disapprove Invoices for Payment
IX. Approve/Disapprove entering into Executive Session for Contract Negotiations and Superintendent's Evaluation
X. Approve/Disapprove the Extension of Administrative and Administrative Support Contracts for the 2017-2018 School Year
XI. Approve/Disapprove the Evaluation of Ronald Simon, Superintendent
XII. Information and Discussion Items for Future Meetings
XIII. Adjournment