September 8, 2016 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of the Board of Education
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Public Participation
V. Approval of the Agenda
VI. Correspondence
VII. Administrative Reports/Comments/Information Items
VII.1. MAISD Update provided by Celena Mills, Michelle Goodwin and Jodi Willard
VII.2. Superintendent’s Report – Ronald Simon
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.1. Approval of Regular/Special Meeting Minutes held August 9, 2016
VIII.2. Approval of new hires: Autumn Purucker, Classroom Para Educator, effective August 22, 2016; Vincent Truszkowski, ASD/Transition Teacher, effective August 25, 2016; Bruce Bennett, EI Teacher, effective August 23, 2016; Pamela Courser, Bus Driver/Bus Aide, effective September 7, 2016; Emily Groulx, Teacher Consultant, effective September 12, 2016
VIII.3. Approval of resignation from Sarah Rockburn, EI Teacher, effective August 23, 2016 and Stephanie Murray, MOCI Teacher, effective August 23, 2016
VIII.4. Approval of over-night conference stay for Ron Simon to Traverse City, MI for September 20-23, 2016; Don Thompson and Quentin Pike to Thompsonviille, MI for October 2-4, 2016; Kathryn Glanville to Lansing, MI for October 11-12, 2016; Kelly Taylor to Saginaw, MI for October 13-14, 2016
VIII.5. Approval of out-of-state conference stay for Tamara Kuhn to Philadelphia, PA for November 17-19, 2016
IX. Approve/Disapprove Invoices for Payment
X. Approve/Disapprove the 2016 Tax Certification Levy
XI. Information and Discussion Items for Future Meetings
XII. Adjournment