February 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
II. Introduce Employees of the Month.
Rebecca Huff/Shaun Mattern
Middle School Professional - Nathan Allen
Transportation Employee - Kevin Abbott |
III. Introduce Students of the Month.
Elementary - Aiden Hightower
Intermediate - Juan Banuelos Middle School - Mallori Hays High School - Cooper Jordan |
IV. Recognize Intermediate UIL participants.
Greg Herring/Billie Dyer
V. Public Form: No presentation shall exceed five minutes. (Local Policy BED) If, during the open forum period, a member of the public asks a question about an item not listed on the public agenda, the board or any of its members may respond by providing specific factual information or a recitation of existing policy, but members may not discuss or deliberate the question. Texas Government Code 551.042
VI. Consent agenda:
Dr. Smith
VI.i. Discussion and Possible Approval of revisions to the Grant Management Procedures Manual for the 2019-20 school year.
Tana Herring
VI.ii. Discussion and Possible Approval of 2018-19 Elkhart I.S.D. Annual Report (Texas Academic Performance Report).
Dr. Smith / Tana Herring
Report was handed out at Public Meeting.
VI.iii. Discussion and Possible Approval of administrative reports.
VI.iii.a. Minutes
Regular Meeting - January 27, 2020 Called Meetings - February 5, 2020; February 6, 2020; February 10, 2020; February 12, 2020; February 13, 2020
Available at meeting
VI.iii.b. Tax Report
Due to personnel changes at the Anderson County Tax Office, report is unavailable this month.
VI.iii.c. Financial Report
VI.iii.d. Accounts Payable
VI.iii.e. Elementary Principal Report
VI.iii.f. Intermediate Principal Report
VI.iii.g. Middle School Principal Report
Available at meeting.
VI.iii.h. High School Principal Report
VI.iii.i. Technology Director Report
VI.iii.j. Food Service Director Report
VII. Discussion and Possible Approval of adopting calendar for the 2020-21 school year.
Dr. Smith
VIII. Discussion and Possible Approval to Consider acceptance of high bids received for resale property:
Act. R830654, Purchaser Charles McShan, Bid Amount $7,651.00
Dr. Smith/Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott
Property Description 2.18 acres, Tract 16C, Block 952-2
Location on S. Hwy. 19 Elkhart, TX, also know as being next to 2020 US 287, Elkhart TX |
IX. Discussion and Possible Approval to Consider acceptance of high bids received for resale property:
Act. R830808, Purchaser Charles McShan, Bid Amount $2,751
Dr. Smith/Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott
Property Description R830808, 1.517 acres, Tract 11B, Block 1033
Location off ACR 100, Elkhart TX, next to 2844 ACR 100, Elkhart TX |
X. Discussion and Possible Approval of amending the 2019-20 Elkhart ISD budget.
Launa Bacon
XI. Discussion of Facility Improvement Plan
Dr. Smith
XII. Recess to Closed Session: A closed session may be held for the purpose authorized by the Texas Open meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. seq. concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes.
Dr. Smith
XII.i. 551.087 - Considering economic development negotiations
XII.ii. 551.083 - Considering the standards, guidelines, terms, or conditions the board will follow, or will instruct its representatives to follow, in consultation with representatives of employee groups.
XII.iii. 551.072 - Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property
XII.iv. 551.074 – Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
XII.iv.a. Ratify resignations.
Resignation from Nolan Mills, Amy Moore, Amber Barker and Wanda Prejean
XII.iv.b. Consider Administrators' Contracts
XII.iv.c. Hiring of personnel
XIII. Reconvene in Open Session: Consider and take possible action on item discussed in closed session.
Dr. Smith
XIV. Adjourn.