June 29, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
Absent: |
II. Discussion/Action: Approve Depository Contract for the 2015-17 biennium.
Dr. DeSpain
TEA has approved our depository contract with The Elkhart State Bank. Due to the name change of the bank we need to ratify contract with Commercial Bank of Texas with no change to contract itself.
Recommendation: Approve Depository Contract with Commercial Bank of Texas for the 2015-17 biennium. |
III. Closed Session:
III.i. Ratify resignations.
Ratify resignations from:
Brandon Confalone - Ag Teacher (decided to withdraw contract) Ky'Anne Thomas - Elementary Teacher Casey Grimaldo - HS Aide (Do not need to ratify) |
III.ii. Hire personnel.
Richard (R.J.) A DeFreece, Jr. - IT Director
Robert Streetman - Ag Teacher Shellie Peiffer - Elementary Teacher Kaysi Vaughn - HS Aide (NO ACTION NEEDED) |
III.iii. Student Transfers
Terry James (new teacher/coach) will be living in Palestine and would like his children to attend Elkhart ISD.
Macie Gonzalez (10th grade); Raeleigh Pierce (8th grade); Kylee Jo James (3rd grade); Ryker James (1st grade). Recommendation: Approve transfers. |
IV. Re-open meeting.
V. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
Dr. DeSpain
VI. Adjourn.