January 21, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
Absent: |
II. Introduce Employees of the Month.
Elementary School Professional - Diana Martinez
Maintenance Employee - Eric Bell |
III. Introduce Students of the Month.
Elementary - Jacob Hoyt
Intermediate - Elizabeth Martin Middle School - Sarah Adair High School - Tate Molandes |
IV. Recognize elementary and intermediate UIL students.
Tana & Greg Herring
V. Recognize middle school UIL students.
Ron Mays
VI. Recognize Region and Area band students.
Wes Canaday
VII. Recognize School Board.
Dr. DeSpain & Kay Chapman
January is School Board Recognition Month. The theme this year is "Rising to New Heights". Several groups and organizations have tokens of appreciation to present to the school board.
VIII. Open forum.
IX. Discussion: Annual reports including District and Campus AEIS Data, Campus Performance Objectives, Campus Reports on Violent and Criminal Incidents, Report on 2011 Graduate's College Enrollment, and a Report on 2012 Fund Balance.
Dr. Taylor
Packets can be found under your "Extras" tab.
X. Discussion: Emergency Operations Plan Review.
Kay Chapman
XI. Discussion/Action: Approve Food Allergy Management addendum to the Wellness Program Plan Policy.
Dr. Taylor
Senate Bill 27 from the 82nd Texas legislative session required school district to adopt board policy addressing health and safety protocols for the student with severe food allergies. That requirement was fulfilled in June 2012. The mandate also included a requirement for districts to develop and incorporate a district Food Allergy Management Plan. At the most recent School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) meeting, it was recommended that this plan be presented to you for approval as an addendum to our district's Wellness Program Plan Policy.
Recommendation: Approve addendum as presented. |
XII. Discussion/Action: Approve amendments to the 2012-13 Elkhart I.S.D. Budget.
Donna Hobson
Amendments will be given to you at the meeting.
Recommendation: Approve amendments to the 2012-13 Budget as presented. |
XIII. Discussion/Action: Approve Resolution to Suspend Portions of EI (Local), EIA (Local), and EIC (Local) for the 2012-13 school year.
Dr. DeSpain
Recommendation: Approve resolution as presented.
XIV. Discussion/Action: Call School Board Election and appoint officials.
Dr. DeSpain
The school board election needs to be set and officials appointed to conduct the election on May 11, 2013. The election will be for position #1 (Harold Holloway), position #2 (Paul Barnett), and position #3 (Stephen Ham). Candidates should file with Rhonda Brewer at Elkhart ISD administration office. Filing begins January 30, 2013 and ends March 1, 2013. Rhonda Brewer will serve as Early Voting Clerk and Donna Hobson will serve as Deputy Voting Clerk (Donna Hobson will serve only in the event Mrs. Brewer is absent). Martha Brown has agreed to serve as the Election Judge and Janet Rials has agreed to serve as the Alternate Judge. We have allowed the Election Judge to select up to five clerks. Early voting will be held in the Elkhart ISD administration office from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday beginning April 29, 2013, through May 7, 2013, by personal appearance. March 12, 2013 will be the first day for accepting applications for early voting ballots to be voted by mail. The appointed Election Judge, Alternate Judge, and Clerks will count the early voting ballots on May 11, 2013. The election on May 11, 2013 will be held at the Elkhart First Baptist Church.
XV. Discussion/Action: Review /approve administrative reports.
XV.i. Minutes - December 17, 2012 called meeting
XV.ii. Tax Report
XV.iii. Financial Report
XV.iv. Accounts Payable
XV.v. Elementary Principal Report
XV.vi. Intermediate Principal Report
XV.vii. Middle School Principal Report
XV.viii. High School Principal Report
XV.ix. Technology Director Report
XV.x. Special Programs Director Report
XV.xi. Curriculum Director Report
XV.xii. Superintendent Report
XV.xii.a. Legal Seminar - February 7, 2013 at Tyler (contact Tammie)
XV.xiii. Board Communications
XV.xiv. Board Concerns
XV.xv. Miscellaneous
XVI. Closed Session:
XVI.i. Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints.
Dr. Despain
XVI.i.a. Consider Substitute Teacher List.
Dr. DeSpain
XVI.i.b. Ratify resignation.
Dr. DeSpain
Recommendation: Ratify resignation from Dr. Debbie Taylor (Special Programs Director)
XVI.i.c. Consider Superintendent contract.
XVI.ii. Consider discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel.
Dr. DeSpain
XVI.ii.a. Consider Student Transfer List.
Dr. DeSpain
XVII. Re-open meeting.
XVIII. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
Dr. DeSpain
1. Recommendation: Approve Substitute Teacher List as presented.
2. Recommendation: Ratify resignation of Dr. Debbie Taylor. 3. Recommendation: Approve Superintendent contract as discussed. 4. Recommendation: Approve addition to Student Transfer List (Rhea-Lynn Gunn). |
XIX. Adjourn.