January 24, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
Absent: |
II. Hear construction report.
Nathan Morgan
Nathan Morgan will give the latest update on the construction project.
III. Introduce Employees of the Month.
Professional Employee of the Month is Christy Ives (Middle School)
Auxiliary Employee of the Month is Brenda Graves (Elementary) |
IV. Introduce Students of the Month.
Mrs. Ray - Ashley Davis
Mr. Mays - Tiffany Rosas Mr. Clark - Drew Pyle |
V. Recognize All-Region and All-Area band members.
Wes Canaday
Mr. Canaday will introduce selected band members.
VI. Recognize award winning elementary UIL students and staff.
Mrs. Ray and Susan Walters will introduce the Elementary UIL winners.
VII. Recognize award winning middle school UIL students and staff.
Mr. Mays and Sally Yonts will introduce the Middle School UIL winners.
VIII. Recognize School Board.
Mike Moon
January is School Board Appreciation Month. The theme this year is "Follow the Leader". Several groups and organizations have tokens of appreciation to present to the school board.
IX. Open forum.
X. Discussion/Action: Hear and approve the 2009-10 audit from the firm of Smith Lambright & Associates, P.C.
Mr. Lambright
XI. Discussion: Hear report from Chartwell's.
Sarah Carr, District Manager
XII. Discussion/Action: Review and approve bids to alter classrooms at each campus to create Life Skills classrooms with ADA accessible restrooms and structures.
Dr. Debbie Taylor
This project, if approved, will be funded through IDEA-B ARRA stimulus funds.
XIII. Discussion: Hear report on implementation of Go Center at high school.
Robin Salazar, HS Counselor
We have received a grant to create this Go center.
XIV. Discussion: Hear report on changes of cheerleading selection scoring.
Mrs. Neugebauer and Mrs. Hudnall will be here to tell about the changes to the scoring procedure for cheerleaders.
XV. Discussion/Action: Consider amending the 2010-11 Elkhart I.S.D. Budget.
XVI. Discussion: Hear report on board member training hours.
The District must make public the number of hours each school board member has accumulated. The board president must say if each board member is in compliance with the required training. No action is required.
XVII. Discussion/Action: Review and approve Elkhart I.S.D. Acute Teacher Shortage Areas for the 2011-12 school year.
Kay Chapman
Each year the state requires that we approve this list.
XVIII. Discussion: First reading of Update 89 to the Elkhart I.S.D. School Board Policy Manual.
Mike Moon
XIX. Discussion/Action: Call School Board Election and appoint officials.
The school board election needs to be set and officials appointed to conduct the election on May 14, 2011. The election will be for position #4 (Dr. Tom Witte), and position #5 (Tina Teetz). Candidates should file with Donna Hobson at Elkhart ISD administration office. Filing begins February 14, 2011, and ends March 14, 2011. Rhonda Brewer will serve as Early Voting Clerk and Donna Hobson will serve as Deputy Voting Clerk (Donna Hobson will serve only in the event Mrs. Brewer is absent). Martha Brown has agreed to serve as the Election Judge and Stella Butler has agreed to serve as the Alternate Judge. We have allowed the Election Judge to select up to five clerks. Early voting will be held in the Elkhart ISD administration office from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday beginning May 2, 2011, through May 10, 2011, by personal appearance. March 15, 2011 will be the first day for accepting applications for early voting ballots to be voted by mail. The appointed Election Judge, Alternate Judge, and Clerks will count the early voting ballots on May 14, 2011. Recommendation: Call the election and appoint the above mentioned election officials.
XX. Discussion/Action: Review /approve administrative reports.
XX.i. Minutes - December 13, 2010 called meeting.
XX.ii. Tax Report -
XX.iii. Financial Report -
XX.iv. Elementary Principal Report
XX.v. Middle School Principal Report
XX.vi. High School Principal Report
XX.vii. Special Programs Director Report
XX.viii. Curriculum Director Report
XX.ix. Superintendent Report
XX.ix.a. Report on athletic events
XX.ix.b. Legal Seminar - February 22, 2011 at Tyler
XX.ix.c. Summer Leadership
We need to decided if we are going to San Antonio (June 9-11) or Ft. Worth (16-18).
XX.ix.d. Janitor Service Update
XX.ix.e. Construction News
XX.x. Board Communications
XX.xi. Board Concerns
XX.xii. Miscellaneous
XXI. Closed Session: Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints. Consider Substitute Teacher List.
Consider superintendent's appraisal, contract and salary. Consider discipline of a public school child, or complaints or charge against personnel. Consider Students of Employees' Transfer List. |
XXII. Re-open meeting.
XXIII. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
XXIV. Adjourn.