May 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of Minutes
4.A. Minutes and Committee Report of the April 12, 2024 Bylaws Committee Meeting.
4.B. Minutes of the April 17, 2024 Regular Board Meeting.
5. Public Comment
6. Payment of the Bills
6.A. Approve operating expenses of $229,908.71, payroll expenses of $284,706.73, Special Reserve expenses of $31,894.00, for a total monthly expense of $546,509.44.
7. Treasurer's Report
7.A. Review Financial Reports
8. Executive Director's Report
8.A. Library Activity Statistics
8.B. Monthly Program Statistics
8.C. Library Highlights
9. Communications
10. New Business
10.A. Presentation and action on Library Staff Medical Insurance Rates
10.B. Action on proposed salary schedule from HR Source
10.C. Motion to approve the expenditure not to exceed $34,770.00 for the purchase of a Roof Top Unit from Carrier, with an authorized impress check for the required 50% deposit.
10.D. Motion to approve the expenditure not to exceed $9,800.00 for the purchase of LED light fixtures from WESCO Distribution Inc., with an authorized impress check for the required 100% prepayment.
10.E. Motion to approve the expenditure not to exceed $10,487.04 for the annual renewal of Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise Feature Restricted Licensing.
10.F. Motion to approve the expenditure not to exceed $28,251.99 to Dell and $28,016.00 to CDW-G for the purchase of replacement computers.
10.G. Discussion and possible action regarding the Work From Home committee chair report
10.H. Discussion and possibility of setting dates regarding budget meetings for this year's budget cycle.
10.I. Discussion on which Trustees will be attending the Chamber golf outing dinner and volunteer opportunities.
10.J. Provide an explanation of the current process for financial decisions including purchases, new and renewal contracts, non-budgeted fiscal year items. Discussion and vote implementing a documented process with Board approval.
10.K. Provide an explanation of the current communication process to (and about) Trustees for the imparting or exchanging of information or news requiring approval or decision. Discussion and vote implementing a documented process with Board approval.
10.L. Provide an explanation of the current organizational chart, level of authority and allocation of responsibilities. Discussion.
11. Unfinished Business
11.A. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Purchasing Policy
11.B. Discussion on library safety and security
12. Executive Session to discuss:
13. Action, if any, on closed session items.
14. Other
15. Adjournment