October 9, 2018 at 10:30 AM - FEC Monthly Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Review and approve minutes of the September 11th meeting.
3. Consideration and possible action: Approve financial reports
4. Discuss possibility of Rosebud-Lott pulling out of the Coop for 2019-2020 school year.
5. Discussion and possible action: Determine if annual camp at Forest Glen is something we need to continue doing
6. Discussion of MOE updates from Region 12.
7. Consideration and possible action: Review the notes Rosebud-Lott made on the DAEP agreement and determine if those changes warrant sending the agreement back to Walsh Gallegos for updating.
8. Discuss expectations for Dyslexia screening and need for training for all teachers.
9. Discussion of plans for 18+ program available for all districts as FEC partners with TWC.
10. Information provided to all districts about CPI training at Region 12 with included costs.
11. Consideration and possible action: Adding items to next agenda for next month
12. Adjourn