November 14, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Roll Call / Visitors
Pledge of Allegiance
(1 Minute) |
Board of Education Appreciation Day Recognition
To recognize the efforts of nearly 6,000 school board members in the state, November 15, 2018, is designated School Board Members' Day in Illinois. Pleasantdale Board members will be recognized at the beginning of the November 14 Board meeting.
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (individuals will be given five minutes to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
(10 Minutes) |
* Consent Agenda (5 Minutes)
That the Board of Education approves the consent agenda as presented. |
Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2018
The minutes are included for Board review.
Approve Payment of October Payroll/November Warrants
The warrant lists are attached for Board review. Michael Rak and Frank Adams reviewed the bills.
Approve the November 2018 Personnel Report
The November 2018 Personnel Report is attached for review and approval. It includes the hiring of Deatrice Lewellyan as middle school instructional aide beginning November 1, 2018; and amendment to Frank Adams contract regarding travel allowance.
Reports and Discussion Items
Informational Updates
Superintendent Dave Palzet will provide the Board with a brief update on items listed.
Illinois School Report Card Announcement
Superintendent Evaluation Update
Mandated Reporter Notification
Strategic Blueprint Update
Administration Reports
Talented and Gifted Update (15 Minutes)
Finance Advisory Team's Library Funding Report (15 Minutes)
Proposed Tax Levy (10 Minutes)
Business Manager Frank Adams will briefly present the proposed 2018 tax levy.
Adopt Proposed Tax Levy/Authorization re: Public Hearing Notice
That the Board of Education adopt the proposed 2018 tax levy and authorize publication of the public hearing notice. |
Five-year Financial Projections (10 Minutes)
Lyon's Township Treasurer Discussion (10 Minutes)
Board of Education Information Requests (5 Minutes)
This is a standing Board agenda item that allows the Board to discuss and verify information requests to the Superintendent.
Approve Board of Education Information Requests
Items for Next Agenda:
(5 Minutes) |
Review/Approve Audit Report; Review Students (sec. 7) and Community Relations (sec. 8) Board Policies; Tax Levy Hearing; Approve Tax Levy; Review Fees; Preliminary Discussion of Service Provider Contracts.
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (individuals will be given five minutes to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items) (5 Minutes)
Written Reports
Service Contract Legal Review of Food Service