March 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order, pledge of allegiance to the United States flag, pledge of allegiance to the state flag, and moment of silence
II. Consideration of possible action to accept the resignation of a school board member and declare a board member vacancy
III. Recognition of students, employees, community members, and/or a school board member
IV. Hiring of a teacher and a teacher/coach
V. Comments from public: All persons who address the board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins
VI. Superintendent's report
VI.a. Monthly enrollment report
VI.b. Monthly financial reports
VII. Consent agenda
VII.a. Minutes from the February 24 school board meeting
VII.b. Budget amendments
VIII. Any items removed from the consent agenda
IX. Construction projects
X. Consideration of and take possible action regarding possible candidates to appoint for filling board vacancy (Texas Government Code, Section 551.074)
XI. Consideration of and take possible action regarding school board officer positions (Texas Government Code, Section 551.074)
XII. Adjourn