November 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order and establish quorum
II. Comments from public: All persons who address the board at this time must complete a registration form before the meeting begins
III. Consider and take possible action to approve the canvassing of returns and declaring the results of the November 3, 2020 school board election
IV. Administration of the oath of office for new school board members
V. Consider and take possible action to approve the hiring of a teacher
VI. Consideration and possible action to approve the 2019-2020 Audit Report
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.a. Enrollment comparison
VII.b. Monthly financial reports
VIII. Consent agenda
VIII.a. Approval of the minutes from the October 19 school board meeting
VIII.b. Approval of budget amendments
IX. Consideration and possible action to approve any items removed from the consent agenda
X. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) report
XI. Public hearing regarding Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) report
XII. Consider and take possible action to approve graphic design work at the middle school, baseball field, and softball field
XIII. Consider and take possible action regarding the cancellation of remote learning for students that are struggling academically
XIV. Consider and take possible action to appoint a school board member to the Salado Education Foundation (SEF) board
XV. Consider and take possible action regarding the election of board officers (Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.074)
XVI. Consider and take possible action regarding the purchase of land (Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.072)
XVII. Adjourn