September 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order and establish quorum
II. Comments from public: Anyone speaking must complete a form before the meeting begins.
III. Consider and take possible action to approve the hiring of a teacher
IV. Superintendent's reports
IV.a. Enrollment comparison
IV.b. Monthly financial reports
V. Consent agenda
V.a. Approval of the minutes from the June 8, August 15, and August 17 school board meetings
V.b. Approval of budget amendments
V.c. Approval of the Bell County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU)
V.d. Approval of the renewal of membership in Walsh Gallegos' Retainer Program
VI. Consider and take possible action to approve any items removed from the consent agenda
VII. Consider and take possible action regarding facilities
VIII. Consider and take possible action to approve an amendment to AIA B101-2017, Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect
IX. Consider and take possible action regarding the purchase of vehicles
X. Consider and take possible action to approve the Salado ISD Asynchronous Instruction Plan
XI. Discussion regarding high school hybrid schedule
XII. Adjourn