May 18, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Establish Quorum
II. Comments from Public: Anyone wishing to participate in public comment should e-mail or call and leave a voicemail at 254-947-6905 prior to the start of the meeting
III. Consider and take possible action to approve the hiring of teachers, a teacher/coach, an instructional technology specialist, a part-time ARD facilitator, and a chief operations officer
IV. Superintendent's Reports
IV.a. Enrollment comparison
IV.b. Check Registers and Financials
IV.c. Construction update
V. Consent Agenda
V.a. Approval of budget amendments
V.b. Approval of the minutes from the April 20th school board meeting
V.c. Approval of the 2020-2021 Communities in Schools contract
VI. Consider and take possible action regarding any items removed from the consent agenda
VII. Consider and take possible action to approve the change order proposal for renovations at the junior high school and the elementary school
VIII. Consider and take and possible action to approve the proposal for the new middle school custodial equipment
IX. Consider and take possible action to approve the proposal for the new middle school weight room equipment
X. Consider and take possible action to approve updates to the 2020-2021 Compensation Guide
XI. Consider and take possible action to approve the renewal of employee contracts
XII. Consider and take possible action to approve a waiver application regarding the Instructional Materials Inventory Requirement
XIII. Consider and take possible action to approve a waiver application regarding CPR instruction requirements
XIV. Consider and take possible action to approve an optional 2020-2021 Extended School Year Calendar for Elementary School Students
XV. Consider and take possible action regarding the 2020-2021 Budget
XVI. Consider and take possible action to approve the additional fifth golden penny per House Bill 3
XVII. Consider and take possible action regarding the proposed 2020-2021 Tax Rate
XVIII. Consider and take possible action to schedule public hearings regarding the proposed 2020-2021 Budget and the proposed 2020-2021 Tax Rate
XIX. Consider and take possible action regarding the Class of 2020 graduation ceremony
XX. Consider and take possible action regarding the dates, times, and locations of future school board meetings