June 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call
II. Public Comments: Individuals appearing before the Board are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in Board Policy 2:230
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. Fall Transition Plan
III.B. Summer Projects
III.D. Dashboard
III.E. Financial Report
IV. President's Report
IV.A. Finance
IV.B. Policy
IV.C. Legislative Report
IV.D. Correspondence
V. Action Items - Consent Agenda - Items may be removed from the consent agenda on the request of any one member. Items not removed may be adopted by general consent without debate. Removed items may be taken up either immediately after the consent agenda or placed later on the agenda at the discretion of the Board.
V.A. Minutes
V.A.1. Approve minutes from 5.27.20 special, closed and regular meetings.
V.B. Bills and Payroll
V.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $1,452,251.39
V.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 6.5.20 in the amount of $1,027.003.51 and 6.19.20 in the amount of $1,013.635.36. Authorize the preparation and release of payroll dated 7.3.20 and 7.17.20
V.C. Approve policies for adoption: 2:160 Board Attorney, 4:50 Payment Procedures, 6:40 Curriculum Development, 7:130 Student Rights and Responsibilities 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited, 7:325 Student Fundraising Activities, 8:10 Connection with the Community, 8:110 Public Suggestions and Concerns, 8:80 Gifts to the District
V.D. Approve Professional Negotiation Agreement with South Berwyn Education Association for 2020-2022.
V.E. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between Berwyn South School District 100 and South Berwyn Education Association.
V.F. Approve the West 40 Intergovernmental Agreement for participation in the West 40 Safe Schools Program for At-Risk Students.
V.G. Approve contractual service providers over $25,000 for the 2020-2021 school year. This is an annual approval for physical, occupational, speech therapies and other services for our special education students. Domanico Psychological Services (Bilingual School Psychologist): $55,000, Tracey Schreier (Autism Consultant): $27,600, Straight Talk Chicago (Bilingual Speech Pathologist): $90,000, Talk It Up, Inc. (Bilingual Speech Pathologist): $85,624, Amy J. Dow, SLP CCC (Speech Pathologist/Assistive Tech): $68,000, 360 Degree Customer Inc. (Speech Pathologist): $47,000, Duel Counseling & Consulting, LLC (Pre-School Counselor/Social Worker): $53,284, Allied Therapeutics, LLC (Occupational Therapist): $87,472, MELC Physical Therapy Services (Physical Therapist): $29,000, Julia Baures PTA (Physical Therapy Assistant): $18,500, Maxim Healthcare Staffing Services Inc. (Piper School Nurse): $54,000.
V.H. Approve resolution to abate $1,319,127 from the working cash fund 70 to capital projects fund 60.
V.I. Approve amended fy20 budget. The fy20 budget amendment is necessary due to changes in the budget greater than the initially adopted budget in any particular fund.
V.J. Approve Personnel Report
A. Employment B. Resignations C. Retirements D. Leaves of Absence E. Dismissals F. Last Chance Agreements G. Change of Status H. Job Descriptions I. Notice to Remedy |
VI. Announcements
VII. Public Comments: Individuals appearing before the Board are expected to follow the guidelines outlined in Board Policy 2:230
VIII. Adjourn