April 25, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Policy Committee
Agenda |
I. Approve minutes from the March 28, 2018 meeting
II. Review Policies up for First Reading: 2:230 Public Participation at School Board
Meetings, 3:70 Succession of Authority, 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management, 4:55 Use of Procurement Cards, 5:130 Internal Information, 5:230 Maintaining Student Discipline, 7:165 School Uniforms, 7:260 Exemption from Physical Education, 7:270 Administering Medicine to Students, 7:275 Orders to Forgo Life Sustaining Treatment, 7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries, 7:340 Student Records. |
III. Discuss Policies up for Adoption: 1:30 School District Philosophy, 6:60 Curriculum
Content, 3:10 Goals and Objectives, 6:150 Home Hospital Instruction, 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program, 7:10 Equal Ed. Opportunities, 7;15 Student and Family Rights, 7:70 Attendance and Truancy, 7:190 Student Behavior, 7:250 Student Support Services. |
IV. Review Policies for Discussion: 22:260 Uniform Grievance, 4:40 Incurring Debt, 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited, 5:170 Copyright, 6:235 Access to Electronic Networks, 6:240 Field Trips, 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program, 7:230 Misconduct by Students with Disabilities
V. Adjourn