February 24, 2016 at 5:15 PM - Policy Committee
Agenda |
I. Approve minutes from the 1.27.16 meeting
Discuss Policies
up for Adoption: 2:160 Board Attorney; 4:50 Payment Procedures; 5:50 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace;
5:170 Copyright; 5:270 Employment At Will; 6:140 Education of Homeless Children
Discuss Policies
up for First Reading: 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure - continue to
discuss; 7:10 Equal Opportunities; 7:40 Non Public School Students; 7:260
Exemption from Physical Activity; 7:310 Restrictions of Publications; 7:325
Student Fundraising Activity; 7:90 Release During School Hours; 8:10 Connection
with the Community; 8:80 Gifts to the District
Discuss Policies
up for Discussion: 2:200 Types of Board Meetings; 2:220 E2 Motion to Adjourn
to Closed Session; 4:170 Safety; 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting;
5:100 Staff Development Program; 6:15 School Accountability; 6:50 School
Wellness; 6:160 English Learners; 6:315 High School credit in Grades 7-8; 6:320
High School Credit proficiency.
V. Adjourn