June 22, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
I.B. Roll Call
II. Public Comments
III. President's Report
III.A. IASB Report
III.B. Buildings & Grounds Committee
III.C. Correspondence
III.D. Legislative Report
III.E. Policy Committee
III.E.1. First Reading for Policy: 2:140, 2:240(E1 & E2), 2:250, 3:50, 3:60, 4:15, 5:40, 5:150, 5:200, 5:285, 5:300, 6:150; 6:160; 6:190; 7: 260; 7:280; 8:110
III.F. Education Foundation Report
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Dashboard
IV.A.1. d100 SmartBrief
IV.A.1.a. "It's easy being green! Green screens in the classroom"
IV.A.2. LaVergne Early Childhood Center
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
IV.B.1. Harlem TIF Project
IV.B.2. fy12 Working Budget
IV.B.3. Tax Stabilization Strategy
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Minutes
VI.A.1. Approve minutes from the 5.25.11 executive, regular,closed, and 4.13.11 special and closed meetings
VI.B. Bills and Payroll
VI.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $1,140,880.24.
VI.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 5.27.11 in the amount of $913,654.15 and 6.10.11 in the amount of
$912,793.07. Authorize preparation and release of payroll dated 6.24.11, 7.8.11 and 7.22.11. |
VI.C. Approve PAV YMCA Agreement
VI.D. Approve West 40 RSSP Agreement
VI.E. Approve Workers’ Compensation Insurance Renewal
VI.F. Approve Professional Negotiation Agreement with SBEA Teachers’ Unit for 2011-2014
VI.G. Approve Harlem TIF Intergovernmental Agreement
VI.H. Approve Prevailing Wage Resolution
VI.I. Approve Resolution for the Permanent Transfer of Interest from the Working Cash Fund to the O&M Fund
VI.J. Approve Resolution for the Temporary Transfer from the Working Cash Fund to the O&M Fund
VI.K. Approve resolution declaring the intention to avail of the provisions of Article 20 of the School Code of the State of Illinois, as amended, and to issue Working Cash Fund Bonds of School District Number 100, Cook County, Illinois, and directing that notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law.
VI.L. Approve Air Conditioning Bid
VI.M. Approve Emerson Fence Proposal
VI.N. Approve Personnel Report
VII. Meeting Evaluation
VIII. Adjourn