December 5, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
__ Scott L. Anderson
__ Kevin Daly __ Jeffrey S. Evens __ Myra A. Foutris __ Elaina Geraghty __ Rupal Mandal __ John P. Vranas ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM MEMBERS __ Dr. Kimberly A. Nasshan __ Dominick Lupo __ Dr. David L. Russo __ Mark Atkinson __ Courtney Whited __ Chris Harmon __ Jennifer Ruttkay __ Erin Curry __ Christopher Edman __ Christina Audisho __ Renee Tolnai |
(Any member of the Board wishing to vote separately on a Consent Agenda item should request removal of that item from the Consent Agenda.) |
3.a. Approval of Minutes
3.a.I. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - November 7, 2019
3.a.II. Approval of Closed Session Minutes - November 7, 2019
3.b. Employment Matters
3.b.I. Personnel Report
3.b.II. Resignation
3.b.II.1. Clara Flores, Lunchroom/Recess Supervisor, Todd Hall, effective November 15, 2019
3.b.II.2. Sarah Benjamin, Transportation Coordinator/Receptionist, Administration, effective December 6, 2019
3.b.III. Parental Leave Request
3.b.III.1. Jill Litwin, Gifted Education Teacher, Rutledge Hall, effective on or about April 26, 2020, expected return for the 2020-2021 school year
3.b.IV. Title Change to Match Job Duties
3.b.IV.1. Christina Audisho, Director of Community Relations, Administration, effective December 5, 2019
3.c. Policy
3.c.I. Consent Only - Policies Excluded from 1st Reading for Approval*
*These policies are excluded from 1st Reading because they only involve changes in citations or immediate compliance with the law or Illinois School Code. |
3.c.I.1. 2:70 Vacancies on Board of Education - Filling Vacancies
3.c.I.2. 4:60 Purchases
3.c.I.3. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
3.c.I.4. 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day
3.c.I.5. 2:200 Types of Board of Education Meetings
3.c.I.6. 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure
3.c.I.7. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
3.c.I.8. 4:150 Facility Management and Expansion Programs
3.c.I.9. 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
3.c.I.10. 5:220 Substitute Teachers
3.c.I.11. 5:250 Leaves of Absence
3.c.I.12. 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
3.c.I.13. 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction
3.d. Anticipated Dates for the 2020 Board of Education Meetings
3.d.I. The Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education must approve dates for the 2020 Regular Board of Education meetings. The meetings are held at Lincolnwood Village Hall at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Feedback from the community to any of these meeting dates is welcome.
Thursday, January, 9, 2020
Thursday, February 6, 2020 Thursday, March 5, 2020 Thursday, April 2, 2020 Thursday, May 7, 2020 Wednesday, June 3, 2020 (Lincoln Hall's Graduation is June 4, 2020) Thursday, June 25, 2020 Thursday, August 6, 2020 Thursday, September 3, 2020 Thursday, October 1, 2020 Thursday, November 5, 2020 Thursday, December 3, 2020 |
3.e. Gas and Electric Services Request for Proposals (RFP)
3.e.I. The Finance Committee concurred to recommend to the Board of Education to go out to bid drafting a Request for Proposal (RFP) for gas and electric services.
3.f. Annual Renewal of Building Automated Systems (BAS) Maintenance and Support
3.f.I. The Finance Committee concurred to recommend to the Board of Education to Renew Annual BAS (Building Automated Systems) Maintenance and Support Contract with Control Engineering Corp. for the 2020 calendar year in the amount of $9,524.
3.g. Upcoming Staff Development Opportunities
3.g.I. Illinois Music Educators Conference (ILMEA), January 30, 2020 to February 1, 2020, in Peoria, IL for Lincoln Hall Music Teacher Erin Forrest, as presented.
3.h. Copier Lease and Service Agreements - IMAGETEC L.P.
3.h.I. The Finance Committee concurred to recommend to the Board of Education to approve these Agreements from IMAGETEC L.P. for copier lease and service in the amount of $55,040.64 per year from February 2020 to February 2023.
Rationale: As part of the regular meeting, the Board of Education routinely approves minutes, personnel items, Board policies, and routine business matters. Recommended Motion: I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education approves those items on the Consent Agenda as appear above. Motion by Member:_______________________ Seconded by:__________________________ |
6.a. NTDSE/District 807: John P. Vranas/Kevin Daly
6.b. IASB (Illinois Association of School Boards): Elaina Geraghty/Myra A. Foutris
6.c. Finance Committee: Kevin Daly/John P. Vranas
6.d. Facilities Committee: John P. Vranas/Elaina Geraghty
6.e. Policy Committee: Rupal Mandal/Myra A. Foutris/Jeffrey S. Evens
6.e.I. 1st Reading
6.e.I.1. 2:20 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education; Indemnification
6.e.I.2. 4:15 Identity Protection
6.e.I.3. 4:80 Accounting and Audits
6.e.I.4. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
6.f. President's Report: Scott L. Anderson
6.f.I. Important Dates
7.a. PTA (Parent Teacher Association): Courtney Tucker (President)
7.b. LTA (Lincolnwood Teacher Association): Stephanie Shortell/Jamie Schremser (Co-Presidents)
7.c. LSSU (Lincolnwood Support Staff Union): Tammer Gad (President)
8.a. Superintendent's Report: Dr. Kimberly A. Nasshan
8.a.II. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION: Lincolnwood School District 74 Communications Update - Christina Audisho, Director of Community Relations
8.b. Curriculum and Instruction, Assistant Superintendent's Report: Dr. David L. Russo
8.b.I. INFORMATION/ACTION: Public Hearing for Calendar Dates
Rationale: The Board of Education must hold a public hearing for audience comments on school being held in session on November 11, Veterans Day, during the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 school calendar years and February 12, Lincoln's Birthday, during the 2020-21, school calendar year. These dates must be approved by the Board of Education.
PUBLIC HEARING Recommended Motion: I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education open the public hearing regarding school being in session on November 11, Veterans Day, during the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 school calendar years and February 12, Lincoln's Birthday, during the 2020-21, school calendar year. Motion by Member:______________________ Seconded by :___________________________ AUDIENCE COMMENTS CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING Recommended motion: I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education close the public hearing regarding school being in session on November 11, Veterans Day, during the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 school calendar years and February 12, Lincoln's Birthday, during the 2020-21, school calendar year. Motion by Member:______________________ Seconded by:___________________________ CALENDAR DATE APPROVAL Recommended motion: I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education approve school being in session on November 11, Veterans Day, during the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 school calendar years and February 12, Lincoln's Birthday, during the 2020-21, school calendar year. Motion by Member:______________________ Seconded by:__________________________ |
8.b.II. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION/ACTION: Approval of the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 District Calendars
Rationale: The Board of Education approves the District Calendars.
Recommended motion: I move the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education approve the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 District Calendars, as presented. Motion by Member:______________________ Seconded by:___________________________
8.c. Business and Operations, Business Manager/CSBO: Courtney Whited
8.c.II. INFORMATION/ACTION: Approval of the 2019 Property Tax Levy
Rationale: The Board of Education must hold a public hearing for possible audience comments on the 2019 Property Tax Levy. The Board of Education must approve the Levy Adoption Resolution and the Truth in Taxation Certificate of Compliance.
PUBLIC HEARING OPEN PUBLIC HEARING I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education open the public hearing regarding the 2019 Tax Levy. Motion by Member: _______________________ Seconded by: _______________________ AUDIENCE COMMENTS CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education close the public hearing regarding the 2019 Tax Levy. Motion by Member: _______________________ Seconded by: _______________________ 2019 PROPERTY TAX LEVY APPROVAL I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education adopts the 2019 Levy Resolutions as presented. This represents a 2.50% increase on last year’s capped funds extension combined with the 26.28% increase on debt service for an overall 3.87% increase on last year’s levy. The Board also directs the Business Manager to file the Truth in Taxation Certificate of Compliance and all other documentation before the last Tuesday in December. Motion by Member: _______________________ Seconded by: _______________________ |
8.c.III. INFORMATION/ACTION: Bills Payable in the Amount of $1,475,001.71
Bills reviewed this month by: Myra A. Foutris and Rupal Mandal
Rationale: The Board of Education routinely reviews and approves invoices and bills. Recommended Motion: I move that the Lincolnwood School District 74 Board of Education approve invoices and bills in the amount of $1,475,001.71. Motion by Member: _______________________ Seconded by: _______________________ |
Motion by Member: ________________________ Seconded by: ___________________________ |