January 17, 2017 at 3:30 PM - Facilities Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Audience to Visitors
3. Approval of Minutes
3.a. Facilities Committee Meeting - December 13, 2016
4. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION: Z3 Monthly Construction Update
4.a. Summary of Construction Progress
4.b. Owner Status Report
4.c. Change Report Logs
4.d. Contingency Status Reports
4.e. Project and Look Ahead Schedules
4.f. Progress Photos
5.a. Review of Phase I Miscellaneous Items
5.a.I. Discussion on final use of office space on the second floor, overlooking the lobby
5.a.II. Presentation on furniture, display, and technology option for lobby space
5.a.III. Miscellaneous furniture needs for multiple spaces
5.a.IV. Exterior aesthetics - Stone fin wall metal coping options
5.a.V. Revisit approved color palette for halls and classrooms
5.a.VI. Bullet resistant glazing in vestibule
5.a.VII. Status on locking file cabinets
5.b. Running Track Discussion
5.c. Phase 2 Out to Bid Update
6. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION: Custodial Bid Results
7. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION: Arcon Memorandum of Understanding - Phase II Remodeling Work at Lincoln Hall
8. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION: Plat of Consolidation
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Adjournment