April 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.a. RollCall/Quorum
1.b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minutes
2.a. March 25, 2021 Regular Meeting, Open and Closed Sessions
3. Recognition
3.a. Public Comments
4. Board Member Reports
4.a. Discuss Board Self-Evaluation
4.b. Discuss Superintendent Contract Amendment 2021-2026
4.c. Revised Board Policies for 1st Reading/Review
4.d. Revised Board Policies for 2nd Reading
4.e. Other
5. Reports of the Superintendent
5.a. Amend 2020-2021 School Calendar Regarding Last Day and Blended and Remote Plan Days
5.b. Public Hearing Concerning the Intent of the Board to Sell $950,000 Bonds to Increase the District's Working Cash Fund
5.c. Consideration and Action on a Resolution to Issue $950,000 Bonds to Increase the District's Working Cash Fund
5.c.1) Resolution #2021-3 declaring the intention to issue $950,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds of CCSD93, DuPage County, Illinois, for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of said School District, and directing that notice of such intention be published in the manner provided by law
5.d. Extension Agreement for Transportation Services with First Student 2021-2022
5.e. FOIA Requests
5.f. Other
6. Public Comments
7. Recommendations of the Superintendent
7.a. Approve the Personnel Report
7.b. Consent Agenda (All items under this heading are considered routine and are adopted by one motion unless any Board member or the Superintendent requests that one or more be removed from the Consent Agenda. The item/s may then be discussed and voted upon separately.)
7.b.1) Treasurer's Report for the Month Ended February 28, 2021
7.b.2) Approve Payment of Bills
7.b.3) Approve Revised Board Policies for 1st Reading/Review
7.b.4) Approve Revised Board Policies for 2nd Reading
7.b.5) Approve Amended 2020-2021 School Calendar
7.b.6) Resolution #2021-4 Dismissing Educational Support Personnel
7.b.7) Approve Extension Agreement for Transportation Services with First Student
7.b.8) Approve Superintendent Contract Amendment 2021-2026
8. Closed Session
9. Action, if any, Resulting from Closed Session
9.a. Approve Resolution #2021-5 To Provide for Issuance of Notice to Remedy to Licensed Teacher
10. Any other items that may normally come before the Board.
11. Adjourn