January 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1) Call to Order
1. The meeting will be called to order at 7:00 P.M.
2. Roll will be called for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Harrison School District #36. Members will answer if they are present. 3. We will recite the Pledge of Allegiance. |
2) Roll Call
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Presentations From the Floor
This item on the Board of Education Agenda permits interested community members to address the Board.
5) Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
Submitted to the Board of Education are the minutes of the previous meeting(s).
The Board of Education must approve these minutes with corrections if desired in order to generate the official meeting record. The minutes of the Board transactions then become a part of the formal District #36 records and are available for examination by District #36 residents, auditors, and State authorities. The motion to approve Board minutes can be by voice vote. Verify if there are any corrections. |
5)A) Board of Education Open Session Meeting Minutes
6) Finance
The following Financial Reports are intended to provide the Board with essential information, which will enable them to exercise informed stewardship over the financial operation of Harrison School District #36.
A Budgetary Report and a Treasurer’s Report may appear solely for Board information but an Agenda of Bills and a Payroll Report must be brought before the Board for their action. Clarification or additional information can be provided by contacting either the Bookkeeper or the Superintendent prior to the meeting. Reports Agenda of Bills & Payroll Do require a motion. Reports Budgetary & Treasurer Report do NOT require a motion. |
6)A) Agenda of Bills
The reports include the bills recommended for payment by the Board of Education. Upon formal approval by the Board, the administration shall make payment to the appropriate parties or vendors.
7) Discussion of Action Items
The Board of Education may discuss action items prior to taking formal action.
Following the discussion, the Public Comment agenda item will give the community the opportunity to make comments prior to the Board taking action.
8) Public Comments
The administration recommends that they be given an opportunity to deal with any presented problems, complaints or suggestions of an educational nature if they have not had the opportunity to do so. Parents or community members who have a question or concern should be directed to the Superintendent as the first point of contact. If there is no satisfactory resolution to the educational or administrative matters presented at this juncture of the Board meeting, the individual or individuals addressing the Board indeed have the right to a further Board hearing and reaction.
Board of Education Policy 2:230 Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings and Petitions to the Board At each regular and special open meetings, members of the public, and District employees may comment to, or ask questions of, the Board of Education, subject to reasonable constraints. The individuals appearing before the Board are expected to follow these guidelines:
Petitions or written correspondence to the Board shall be presented to the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. |
9) Action Items
9)A) Second Reading and Approval of PRESS Plus Issue 113 Policies
9)B) Approval of the Northern Illinois Independent Purchasing Cooperative Intergovernment Agreement Resolution
9)C) Change in Schedule of Regular School Board Meetings
10) Information Items
11) Members' Comments
The Board of Education Members may take this time to share information with other members of the Board and/or community members.
12) Closed Session
12)A) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06.
13) Return to Open Session
14) Action Items
14)A) Release/Retain Closed Session Meeting Minutes
15) Adjournment