February 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Student Recognition
4. Open Forum
5. Admin Reports: Consisting of Enrollment & Attendance; Student & Employee Awards/Accomplishments; Past and Upcoming Events on Campuses
5.a. High School
5.b. Athletic Director's Report
5.c. Jr. High
5.d. Elementary
5.e. Primary
6. Judge Samarron
7. Team of 8 Discussion
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings
8.b. Accept the Following Reports from Dianna Wright:
8.b.I. Fund 199 Summary Reports
8.b.II. Fund 101 Summary Reports
8.b.III. Maintenance Report
8.b.III.a. Odometer Readings
8.b.III.b. Utilities
8.c. Report on School Funds
8.c.I. Superintendent Activity Account
8.c.II. Interbank Accounts
8.c.III. Lone Star Monthly Statement
8.c.IV. Tax Collection Report
8.d. Approve Payment of Monthly Bills
8.d.I. Fund 199 Check Payment List
8.d.II. Fund 101 Check Payment List
8.e. Friona ISD Fund Balance
9. Policy Update 124 (LOCAL) Policies -Consider, approve, revise, or delete (LOCAL) policies as recommended by TASB Policy Service and according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 124 (see attached list of codes)
10. Closed Session
10.a. Deliberation of appointment, employment, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of employees pursuant to Texas Government code 551.074.
10.b. Consultation with attorney regarding potential or contemplated litigation matter involving attorney client privilege pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071.
10.c. Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person. Texas Government Code 551.071
11. Consider and approve contracts, resignations, non-renewals, reassignments, retirements and compensation.
12. Consider and approve contracts and compensation for Admin Staff
13. Consider and approve the contract and compensation for M'Kell Jeter.
14. Items for Board Information
14.a. Board Discussion
15. Set Date of Next Regular Meeting
16. Official Adjournment